Search results

  1. Donnie

    General Store "Matsunoya" (UPDATED 9/11/2024)

    Is this shop still alive?
  2. Donnie

    Donnie´s Shop - Opened again - Restocked

  3. Donnie

    Valentines Competition, win a red ring!

    Congratulations Meierlink ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
  4. Donnie


    Hello Linky, can you reserve this for me please? Valkyrie +33 0/40/40/0- 1PD Thank you
  5. Donnie

    Donnie´s Shop - Opened again - Restocked

    Added Stealth Suit and Amp of Resta
  6. Donnie


    Hello Meierlink =) Can you please reserve these two items for me? Crazy Tune 0/0/0/0 [20] -1PD Rocket Punch 0/0/0/0 [20] Thanks so much and see you soon!!
  7. Donnie

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    Definitely will remind you about never again complaining about your bad luck . Wonderfully written Linky.
  8. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    Over. Hello Varista. Congratulations. You have already contacted me on discord. Which is perfect. See you soon
  9. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    6 hrs remaining
  10. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    12 hrs remaining
  11. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    Reset 24hrs as of new highest CHB of 10 by Varista.
  12. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    24hrs remaining
  13. Donnie

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    And there I was. Running a normal TTF with a nice group of players. We entered mines and then the room with all the Sinow Blues. I know one of the party members was called chedda (or similar), I forgot the rest. But what happened then, had one heck of a small chance to happen. I chose to play...
  14. Donnie

    Share your PSO Stories and Experiences

    I changed the title of the thread to make the use of it easier and the content more varied. The previous format was limited to a degree. My wish is to revive this thread. Everyone can just post PSO stories. It does not matter if positive, negative, memorable or funny. If you like to share...
  15. Donnie

    A> Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] CHB 10

    Reserve: 7 Countdown: ~72 hours Reset: 24 hours Minimum bid: +1pd CHB: 10 Wants: PD I have found a stylish Charge Shot [0/0/0/0|65] over Christmas in a present. Since I don't really use Charge that much, I decided for an auction. The green beams certainly make this a weapon with swagger ;-)
  16. Donnie

    Donnie´s Shop - Opened again - Restocked

    Added Heaven Striker Coat, adjusted some prices and availability
  17. Donnie

    Cat picture thread

    This is our cat Jack. Pretty much the best cat you could wish for. Very patient, does not mind the action and sleeps through the hell my three boys are able to unleash sometimes. He is 8yrs old and a real adventurer and exquisite hunter aswell. I feel very sorry for all the birds, mouses...
  18. Donnie

    Team Golden

    That is very nice of you, but we are not in dire need of Team Points. We will get there. We already unlocked the 70 Member Limit and need just 3000 ish points to buy 100 Team Member limit. The last will be the commander blade, hopefully someday bug free The important stuff was bought...
  19. Donnie

    Team Golden

    Thanks Tsuk for reviving the thread a little. We have been playing together yesterday at least. Which was a very pleasent RT run. Very chilled, thanks to you. On another note. There is still room for new members. It wont be long before the 100 Team Member limit can be bought. Team Points are...
  20. Donnie

    What's the story behind your name?

    It's time to dig out this thread I believe. Mew has referenced the link in a post and I think I should provide an explanation of my name aswell. Harking back to 2001 days when I started my first Online Gaming with Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast, I have created the character Don Mania...