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  1. Neirene

    Quest metadata queries

    If you want to stick to the Literary flavor, you cannot use Robot since that's a new word and "Relics" sounds too strange to me, what I would see more suitable would be the word "Machine" (機械 KIKAI) to describe those things something similar to "Phone" or "Calculator" (電話 = Denwa 電卓 = Dentaku)...
  2. Neirene

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Galaxy Force II!
  3. Neirene

    MAHU confused for Scapedoll in trade

    In the official servers desync happened as well, and it actually warned you with a scrolling message on the top of the screen letting you know a desync happened and that you should return to the lobby asap.
  4. Neirene

    Quest metadata queries

    Sounds about right lol a la "mout dis poun"
  5. Neirene

    Quest metadata queries

    c) take the true PSO path and just cut half the meaning to make it vague and mysterious (and remarkably more easy to translate!)
  6. Neirene

    Controls stop working occasinonally

    The ASM patches are the source of this problems i've said it before, that feature needs to be further tested and verified.
  7. Neirene

    Game Mechanics Compilation

    I think this gameplay Guides should go on the Ephinea server category, this forum is suposelly for Development purposes and guide to help up setup and configure a Tethealla server/Clients.
  8. Neirene

    Option.exe not working

    You need to open the Online.exe and click on OPTIONS
  9. Neirene

    Generic PSOBB Widescreen Launcher

    I'm surprised you were able to play without issues on the Geforce 6800! PSOBB was famous at the time for disliking this specific card (when it was brand new!) showing graphical bugs everywhere specially in CCA lol
  10. Neirene

    Hello and stuff

    Didnt got the chance to play with you on PSO2 I guess we can play together here on Ephinea (・∀・)ノ
  11. Neirene

    Endless Nightmare EXP Bug?

    Probably related with the Falz NO EXP bug on TTF?
  12. Neirene

    Player Commands

    You can enable the Beginners Help window that was only available to trial accounts on the Japanese servers and modify the PNG files in the data folder to teach the players about the features of the server.
  13. Neirene

    Controls stop working occasinonally

    I had a similar issue on my test server when playing with my brother (we both use XBOX One controllers) the input problem is because of the asmpatch that is included in the Tethealla exe's (not sure if they are included into the ones of the Ephinea server but seems likely) the problem got fixed...
  14. Neirene

    Controls stop working occasinonally

    When you play suddenly everything stops responding ? like it's not possible to move/chat/select menus or anything at all right? and restarting the client from scratch by closing it and opening it again fixes this issue?
  15. Neirene

    Borderless Window

    I wanted to share with all of you a little program I used with some old games including PSO it's called Borderless Gaming, what it does is to force your games to run into a borderless window so it allows you to play the games in fullscreen but at the same time you are able to multitask between...
  16. Neirene

    Translating the Intro to English?

    The easiest way to translate the intro is by replacing the intro_j.pae file with the one from the PSOBB US client, since this file doesnt require any special treatment from the server it would be fixed by simply replacing it with the english one. Your challenge would be to find a clean copy of...
  17. Neirene

    JP PSO2

    SHIP5 doesnt have english community as far I know it's a Japanese ship. I'm there because most of the teams and players from PSOBB JP decided to go to that specific ship back in the day when PSO2 started along with my friends from there, hence the reason why I decided to continue in the SHIP5 to...
  18. Neirene

    JP PSO2

    I'm playing on SHIP5 (・∀・)ノ, the game is the usual however lately it has gotten much more better thanks to the addition of the Challenge Mode, nowadays i'm just playing cmode and kinda ignoring the main game lol
  19. Neirene

    PSOBB Inventory reader/Player manager tool

    I'm very surprised for this tool!! very good job!! (・∀・)ノ However I have a question, it is possible to use this tool without issues while the server is running with players online or it would be better to use it while the server is offline?
  20. Neirene

    Quest download directory | クエストダウンロード一覧

    The files are exactly the same for PSO+ US and the JP version (even for the latest JP version 1.5 which was the final version before BB!).