Quick question - Quick answer

They aren’t super rare but they are more likely to drop with higher levels in Ult. I would suggest getting 1 (one) Photon Drop (PD) and trading for a set for you guys. You also might be able to just ask in the lobby and someone might just have lots they can give for free.
ew will always Hoard Any supports she finds over 14 JUST to give away to any fledgling FO's wanting to make a difference to any room they join~! And she tends to always find most of her 29+lvl supports from ULT EP4 Boss boxes! >=3!
Thank you both!

We have about 6 Photon Drops between the two of us, where exactly would we set up that kind of trade? In the trade section of this forum?
Someone would probably give you 2x SD for 1-2 PDs. But like I said before people have like literally hundreds of these items (I personally have atleast 50 sets and would gladly give you some but I’m fairly busy lol) and Mew also offered to give you some for free. You could go into the lobby right now and ask if anyone has one and find it in 3 seconds, you could enter any “PD shop” room and find it in a few moments, you could use the search function on the forums and find one with a shop that has it (but then you’ll have to coordinate a time to trade). You can use dicksword too… I guess
Someone would probably give you 2x SD for 1-2 PDs. But like I said before people have like literally hundreds of these items (I personally have atleast 50 sets and would gladly give you some but I’m fairly busy lol) and Mew also offered to give you some for free. You could go into the lobby right now and ask if anyone has one and find it in 3 seconds, you could enter any “PD shop” room and find it in a few moments, you could use the search function on the forums and find one with a shop that has it (but then you’ll have to coordinate a time to trade). You can use dicksword too… I guess

Hey just want to say I appreciate the advice. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future.

That said, shortly after I made my last post we found both Shifta and Deband lvl 10 in Hard Ruins 1. We're pretty happy for now lol.
Hey just want to say I appreciate the advice. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future.

That said, shortly after I made my last post we found both Shifta and Deband lvl 10 in Hard Ruins 1. We're pretty happy for now lol.
That’s cool. SD scales up really quickly and level 10 is practically all the way there to max IIRC lol

It can be fun to just play organically and with self found only. You’ll be drowning in items one day and basically very overpowered so personally I find hard/very hard to be some of the most fun and challenging parts of the game.

Have fun playing legit and if you guys get bored at some point you can always hop in ep 4 and just spam rafoei to powerlevel yourselves to get over that last hump to ult.
That’s cool. SD scales up really quickly and level 10 is practically all the way there to max IIRC lol

It can be fun to just play organically and with self found only. You’ll be drowning in items one day and basically very overpowered so personally I find hard/very hard to be some of the most fun and challenging parts of the game.

Have fun playing legit and if you guys get bored at some point you can always hop in ep 4 and just spam rafoei to powerlevel yourselves to get over that last hump to ult.

Shifta scales linearly per level, the difference in ATP increase from 10 to 15, 20, 30 is significant. Lv10 is not close to max.
Shifta scales linearly per level, the difference in ATP increase from 10 to 15, 20, 30 is significant. Lv10 is not close to max.
It gains 1.3% per level. Level 10 is almost halfway to max.

Level 10 -> 21.7
Level 30 -> 47.7
Level 3 from S-Reds -> 12.6
(If you prorate for the levels it’s 4.2% a level for s-reds. The 12.6 % is 26% of the way to level 30s effect. It’s not exactly linear because level 1 provides 10%… not 1.3)

But good catch! I guess I didn’t recall correctly (whoops!). Anyway it’s hardly significant anyway due to the sheer abundance of level 30 techs and how easy they are to find in ultimate. It’s only something that is ever going to effect extremely new players.

Thanks for the correction! Surely they wouldn’t have appreciated knowing that their level 10 shifta was halfway to cap (the only purpose of my post was to provide reassurance that it IS significant for the state their character is in currently)
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This looks pretty linear to me. A steady increase of 1.3% per level is the definition of linearity, regardless of whether it starts at 10% or not. You don't count the 0th level granting 0% because... well, because that's asinine, really, but also because that's just not how that works.

The first thing you said was "level 10 is practically all the way there to max" and now in your second post you've said it's "almost halfway to max." And the thing about "prorating for S-Red's" also makes no sense given what I said above about not counting level 0. S-Red's doesn't provide Shifta/Deband any better or worse than just casting the techniques individually does.

The correct information is all there and documented so it's frustrating to see when wrong information is given instead.

But yes, level 10 is good for Hard mode, and getting level 30 support techs will be easy enough once they're in Ultimate, as support techs drop much more abundantly at level 30 than offensive techs do.

Hope this helps ;)
View attachment 23911
This looks pretty linear to me. A steady increase of 1.3% per level is the definition of linearity, regardless of whether it starts at 10% or not. You don't count the 0th level granting 0% because... well, because that's asinine, really, but also because that's just not how that works.

The first thing you said was "level 10 is practically all the way there to max" and now in your second post you've said it's "almost halfway to max." And the thing about "prorating for S-Red's" also makes no sense given what I said above about not counting level 0. S-Red's doesn't provide Shifta/Deband any better or worse than just casting the techniques individually does.

The correct information is all there and documented so it's frustrating to see when wrong information is given instead.

But yes, level 10 is good for Hard mode, and getting level 30 support techs will be easy enough once they're in Ultimate, as support techs drop much more abundantly at level 30 than offensive techs do.

Hope this helps ;)
Not counting level 1 as adding 10% is pretty asinine to me. The only point I was trying to make is that level 10 provides a sizable buff. I even made sure to post “IIRC” I’m just trying to help a n00b out the information doesn’t need to be 100% when I’m just remembering some shit and the fact you are continuing to go on about it is frankly hilarious and shows how you have nothing better to do with your time.

S-Reds users can only cast SD using S-reds, that is why it’s relevant. Basic logic would dictate that level 3 is 1/10 of 30. But if you didn’t know level 1 provided 10% it’s going to make absolutely zero sense that level 3 is 25% of the way to level 30 despite being 1/10th level-wise. That is the point I’m trying to make.

All in all I myself offered help to a n00b and even offered the item they wanted for free. While explaining that this is a temporary issue and they will easily find hundreds of these items in ultimate mode through just normal gameplay. I’m so so sorry I triggered the fact checkers with my helpful information given off of the top of my head. Please forgive me and I will be absolutely sure to provide charts before I ever post again ok???
What’s a good quest to hunt for Mags in boxes? Also do difficulties affect the odds of finding them?
Mags drop at 1/146 in both mines 2 and jungle east in ultimate. In very hard they drop at the same rate but in mines 1 and jungle east still. Please consult the drop chart that has box information here so you can see the areas and drop rates for yourself for any other difficulties you might need.

As for hunting the fastest way is probably going to be the first 9 boxes in MU3 in Very Hard difficulty and resetting from there

Here is a section on the wiki that tells you all the best ways to hunt boxes and in which area.
