Recent content by rook303

  1. rook303

    A>Thirteen 8/8 8/8 4Slots

    A perfect Thirteen in every way. Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours Res : 1 PD
  2. rook303

    Server maintenance completed for March 9th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 3/9)

    Thanks a lot Ephinea staff for this new and awesome update. I tried the pick up patch with DS4windows and it works like a charm, this is gonna be a real game changer. I am not gonna lie, it will take me a while to get used to it because my muscle memory is deep with this game. But heh this is...
  3. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    Congratulations @RataGod , you won this auction. Contact me on discord to arrange trade.
  4. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    15 hours left
  5. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    A nice pair of 60 hit Charge Vulcans with good Dark attributes. - RES : 150 PD - CD : 72 Hours - Reset : 24 Hours
  6. rook303

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Hey Dezo! Well no the PC engine GT required 6 battery AA for something like two hours of gameplay, i played it 100% wired. Never tried wavetable synthesis on PC Engine but it could be fun, was it a Z68000 powering sound on it?
  7. rook303

    Nei's Retail Store (11/02/2025 update)

  8. rook303

    【Done】A> Heaven Striker +20 [0/0/0/0|35]【CHB :600】

    Syncesta + 560 PDs
  9. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    congratulations @kenkof , you won the auction! Sorry for the delay, i have been out for the week end and when i came back my internet was off. It's now repaired , contact me on discord for the trade.
  10. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    New CHB !
  11. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    Thank you AssSlapper, 72 hours CD started.
  12. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

  13. rook303

    Server maintenance completed for January 12th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 1/12)

    Thank you staff for this new update. the ENHANCED MAP DRAW option is quite impressive and the Show mob drop feature is just perfect in every aspect : the idea itself, the different options, the formating, the colors. Great job as always!
  14. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    Congratulations @Krooklynyc you won the auction. Contact me on discord for the trade.
  15. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    new CHB!