Search results

  1. rook303

    A>Thirteen 8/8 8/8 4Slots

    A perfect Thirteen in every way. Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours Res : 1 PD
  2. rook303

    Server maintenance completed for March 9th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 3/9)

    Thanks a lot Ephinea staff for this new and awesome update. I tried the pick up patch with DS4windows and it works like a charm, this is gonna be a real game changer. I am not gonna lie, it will take me a while to get used to it because my muscle memory is deep with this game. But heh this is...
  3. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    Congratulations @RataGod , you won this auction. Contact me on discord to arrange trade.
  4. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    15 hours left
  5. rook303

    Charge Vulcan+9 [0/0/0/40|60]

    A nice pair of 60 hit Charge Vulcans with good Dark attributes. - RES : 150 PD - CD : 72 Hours - Reset : 24 Hours
  6. rook303

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Hey Dezo! Well no the PC engine GT required 6 battery AA for something like two hours of gameplay, i played it 100% wired. Never tried wavetable synthesis on PC Engine but it could be fun, was it a Z68000 powering sound on it?
  7. rook303

    Nei's Retail Store (11/02/2025 update)

  8. rook303

    【Done】A> Heaven Striker +20 [0/0/0/0|35]【CHB :600】

    Syncesta + 560 PDs
  9. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    congratulations @kenkof , you won the auction! Sorry for the delay, i have been out for the week end and when i came back my internet was off. It's now repaired , contact me on discord for the trade.
  10. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    New CHB !
  11. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

    Thank you AssSlapper, 72 hours CD started.
  12. rook303

    A>Dark Flow [100/100/0/0|75] (CHB : 680)

  13. rook303

    Server maintenance completed for January 12th, 2025 (サーバメンテナンス完了 1/12)

    Thank you staff for this new update. the ENHANCED MAP DRAW option is quite impressive and the Show mob drop feature is just perfect in every aspect : the idea itself, the different options, the formating, the colors. Great job as always!
  14. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    Congratulations @Krooklynyc you won the auction. Contact me on discord for the trade.
  15. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    new CHB!
  16. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    CHB! 24 hours reset started with your last bid. Auction will end in approximatively 22 hours and 30 minutes.
  17. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    Thank you @salaino_papasalami , countdown started with your bid.
  18. rook303

    55 Hit Utility Rayguns set!

    Wanna upgrade your utility guns? This is an auction for you! King's raygun+15 0/50/0/0|55 Gush raygun+15 0/0/0/40|55 Hell raygun+15 0/0/45/0|55 Demon's raygun+15 0/0/0/0|55 Arrest raygun+15 40/0/0/0|55 Reserve : 10 pds Countdown : 72 hours Reset : 24 hours wants : pds
  19. rook303

    The Secret Spawns of the Scarlet Realm quests revealed!

    Edited SR3 box spawning method considering my own and other players' experience and feedback.
  20. rook303

    The Secret Spawns of the Scarlet Realm quests revealed!

    yes i am not certain either concerning this part, i have triggered them myself a few times but the exact Modus Operandi remains obscure. i ve seen this video which convinced me but i need further testing.