Psyber Oct 20, 2016 Finally have at least some form of internet, 12k/s max dl speed though unfortunately
Psyber Feb 5, 2016 Wish I could play game atm, but nasty headache is making me rather nauseated so have to lay down for now.
Wish I could play game atm, but nasty headache is making me rather nauseated so have to lay down for now.
Psyber Jan 24, 2016 Nearly done testing potential build for my FOmar, really enjoying the results I'm getting and loving the fast pace of combat as well.
Nearly done testing potential build for my FOmar, really enjoying the results I'm getting and loving the fast pace of combat as well.
Psyber Jan 12, 2016 Recovering well, got out of a drain attack somehow with no training. Still a bit rattled even though its been a few days.
Recovering well, got out of a drain attack somehow with no training. Still a bit rattled even though its been a few days.
Psyber Jan 5, 2016 I seriously need to do some grounding, but fear I am already too tired and low on energy to do it on my own.
I seriously need to do some grounding, but fear I am already too tired and low on energy to do it on my own.
Psyber Dec 28, 2015 Sigh, not to practice. Must recover after being nearly overwhelmed from a friend's panic attack, barely could ground the flow fast enough.
Sigh, not to practice. Must recover after being nearly overwhelmed from a friend's panic attack, barely could ground the flow fast enough.
Psyber Dec 25, 2015 I still live in desert but have a 10mbit/1mbit up adsl2+ connection now, the status inspired by
I still live in desert but have a 10mbit/1mbit up adsl2+ connection now, the status inspired by