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  • I've chosen to embrace the power of XM and have become part of The Enlightened!
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    Reactions: jalirdharey
    Do I spy an ingress agent possibly a fellow enlightened ally? hehe
    Finally have at least some form of internet, 12k/s max dl speed though unfortunately
    Going to be possibly homeless next month
    Have you tried working with your land lady to repair the place? Also depending on where you live, there are government programs that will help fix up a place for very low cost to free depending on the need of the resident/home owner.
    My neighbor got a roof on their house from some gov program because they simply could not afford it, but their need was there. There's also community church programs in places that can do these things too. Looking at where you are (utah) there should be plenty of religious community helper programs.

    Also fuck the character limit, jeez. And the wait time lmao...
    she has already decided to demolish the house, and its her fault the roof got this bad. over a year ago she saw the damage and not repaired it. the town i live in is 800 or less population to add to the situation. And I cant move into an actual city due to issue I have with pollution that makes me develop allergies.
    Wish I could play game atm, but nasty headache is making me rather nauseated so have to lay down for now.
    that happens to me sometimes when i play too much on the pc or watch waaaay to much tv. wish i could marathon game like some of you all.
    I woke up with twinges in middle of forehead then it moved to the bad focal point sometimes I'm lucky and it goes away or goes to the annoying but still can function focal point, been told it sounds like either cluster headache or migraines but can't afford doc appointment to find out which.
    ouch. now my problems seem much less suddenly. best wishes for a speedy recovery!
    Nearly done testing potential build for my FOmar, really enjoying the results I'm getting and loving the fast pace of combat as well.
    Need more FOmar's man!
    I do notice in the leaderboards its not a rather chosen class, I enjoy them myself. Working on a specific melee build that's based on a char Ive seen in my mind, have a bio and background and more. I'm actually tempted to make a team based on the family/clan that he is current leader of in his bio/background hehe
    Recovering well, got out of a drain attack somehow with no training. Still a bit rattled even though its been a few days.
    I seriously need to do some grounding, but fear I am already too tired and low on energy to do it on my own.
    Grounding as in clearing various debris from my energy system that is clogging it up, as well as clearing out the leftovers from when I got heavily bombarded by a friend due to him having a panic attack while i was chatting to him online. He was such a strong broadcaster that I ended up suffering at least a minor overload hehe.
    Ah, yeah... just remember, though, you should try to NOT be around too much negative energy because, yeah, it rubs off on you. It can even affect your own personality and health.

    Not saying to not be there for people, just saying, if you're ALWAYS around people who are dramatic, negative, and so on, it definitely will affect you until you get rid of it.
    yea, know what that is like, my bfs mom was a good source of neg energy hehe. My main issue is I've never done any maintenance for my energy system my whole life, and due to a mistake I made years ago I also had that messing me up energy system wise too until I was recently freed from the it. One my friends suspect I was being farmed by who/what it was.
    Pipes finally thawed out, Yay!!
    You never know how much you need water UNTIL IT'S NOT THERE! Luckily I've never been in that situation, but I can imagine... and the imagination is not pretty.
    It wasn't fun at all hehe, was without running water for at least 5 days. Was fun going back and forth to neighbors to fill a 5gal container just to have drinking water for me and the cats, and I'm well overdue for a shower hehe
    When I was living in Mongolia, the apartment I was staying in didn't have running water, or a toilet for that matter (used an outhouse). There was a truck that delivered water to our block twice a week, and if the truck ran out, you were shit out of luck till the next delivery. I remember waiting in line for water in the winter, only for the water to be finished before my turn.

    Needless to say, I feel you.
    Sigh, not to practice. Must recover after being nearly overwhelmed from a friend's panic attack, barely could ground the flow fast enough.
    Trying to learn more about who I am
    I will thxies, I’m just going thru a fair bit and processing some deep shit I recently found out hehe. I'm a bit afraid to go into much detail as I do not know what response I will get in return hehe. It's not easy talking about the metaphysical with some.
    Well, I know you and I used to talk a fair bit on GameCube back in the day. I know we have been out of contact for several years, but feel free to hit me up any time to talk about whatever. I have no issue lending an ear and/or an opinion about something if you should ask for it!
    Yea I miss gaming and chatting with ya, it has been many years hehe. I am unsure how much you may or may not know about the metaphysical as that is currently a huge part of my situation hehe. But I'm definitely looking forward to chatting with you again.
    oops seems i am not fully noticing how to use new forums properly hehe
    Haha, well, I'm glad they finally got some faster Internet to you! Not quite Broadband, but at least it's better than dial-up. ;)
    yea its def better than dialup or the satellite I had for a short time hehe. I am definitely feeling at home on your server, although I admit I still miss taking my gc online.
    Will 10 TAC/L Newrons ever become a reality?
    What? Also, are you still living out in the desert with only a dial-up modem (or was it slow satellite?) for Internet? Haha.
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