Recent content by NDW

  1. NDW

    2025 is almost here!

    2025 is almost here!
  2. NDW

    Thank you for creating your Modern Glass HUD! I love it so much.

    Thank you for creating your Modern Glass HUD! I love it so much.
  3. NDW

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    Following has been added for instant purchase:
  4. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

  5. NDW

    Comment by 'NDW' in media 'FeelsRappyMan'

    >Stolen from NDW :wacko:
  6. NDW

    A> Red Barrier [5/5 | 5/5] -ended-

    5 PD
  7. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    Added some information to provide clarity regarding account types and prizes for Hardcore Mode player(s):
  8. NDW

    Lv 200 Character Calculator
  9. NDW

    B> AddSlot

  10. NDW

    Psycho wand question

    Each time you encounter a Mil Lily in EP1 Ultimate with a Purplenum Section ID, Psycho Wand will have a base drop rate of this:
  11. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @Firkraag for the following amount: Item Ticket x50
  12. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    For everyone's information, I have a dedicated time attack Discord server where players are free to join and utilize it. I encourage those with Discord accounts to join the server to use it for gathering a party, planning, and for additional information.
  13. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @Echelon for the following amount: Photon Drop x5 Photon Ticket x1 Yellow Merge V801
  14. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @No Hit for the following amount: Photon Drop x750 Photon Sphere x1 Untekked Handgun: Guld [Soul] [0/30/0/5|0] V502