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  1. NDW

    2025 is almost here!

    2025 is almost here!
  2. NDW

    Thank you for creating your Modern Glass HUD! I love it so much.

    Thank you for creating your Modern Glass HUD! I love it so much.
  3. NDW

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    Following has been added for instant purchase:
  4. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

  5. NDW

    Comment by 'NDW' in media 'FeelsRappyMan'

    >Stolen from NDW :wacko:
  6. NDW

    A> Red Barrier [5/5 | 5/5] -ended-

    5 PD
  7. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    Added some information to provide clarity regarding account types and prizes for Hardcore Mode player(s):
  8. NDW

    Lv 200 Character Calculator
  9. NDW

    B> AddSlot

  10. NDW

    Psycho wand question

    Each time you encounter a Mil Lily in EP1 Ultimate with a Purplenum Section ID, Psycho Wand will have a base drop rate of this:
  11. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @Firkraag for the following amount: Item Ticket x50
  12. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    For everyone's information, I have a dedicated time attack Discord server where players are free to join and utilize it. I encourage those with Discord accounts to join the server to use it for gathering a party, planning, and for additional information.
  13. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @Echelon for the following amount: Photon Drop x5 Photon Ticket x1 Yellow Merge V801
  14. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    We've received a donation from @No Hit for the following amount: Photon Drop x750 Photon Sphere x1 Untekked Handgun: Guld [Soul] [0/30/0/5|0] V502
  15. NDW

    NDW's Trade List

  16. NDW

    NDW's Time Attack Event

    Greetings, Ephinea! I am hosting a Time Attack event. This event consists of players competing to complete quests as quickly as possible. Those who complete the quests fastest will be rewarded with prizes! Account types that are allowed to participate: - Normal Mode - Hardcore Mode Account...
  17. NDW

    Need some good games

    Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!
  18. NDW

    NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

    All mag, S-rank weapon, and unsealing orders have been completed! Come place an order to be first in line!
  19. NDW

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Sounds related to the "RESIST" message that happens with Three Seals when it randomly nullifies damage.