Recent content by Microwave

  1. Microwave

    Also DNX

    Also DNX
  2. Microwave

    There you are, now I'll have to find D and message him that I found tazz.

    There you are, now I'll have to find D and message him that I found tazz.
  3. Microwave

    Steam Input in Linux

    The overlay causes issues with pso, or at least it used to. I don't know about now but I just by default disable steam overlay with PSO.
  4. Microwave

    New way to crash the client after update

    Just had an old friend who had not played in a while log in and crashed a few times and I had him explain what was going on and he explained what he was doing then I checked to see if it was just him or if it's repeatable and confirmed it to be an issue with the client after the update, or at...
  5. Microwave

    Steam Input in Linux

    Try pointing steam if possible to online.exe, and not the launcher then only use the launcher to change settings or update the client. That's how it works for me on windows.
  6. Microwave

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    Windows 11 with a 3070 TI laptop and a ryzen 6900 as the CPU but as you've guys pointed out it most likely the addons causing it this time.
  7. Microwave

    DXVK Vulcan API fix now on the patch server (DXVK Vulcan APIの修正)

    Updated and my client won't launch with the vulkan API now, crashes before the window opens up I think.
  8. Microwave

    Sinow Blue breaks the 4th Wall

    Ah, it's been a while since I've seen this. Yeah sinows can do this from time to time where you can go into the previous room and they'll still pursue you. This is not unique to Blue burst but instead happens on pretty much every version of PSO I've played including v1 US. I'm not sure what...
  9. Microwave

    A.I. and PSOBB: What is the future imagined to be like, will you be a part of it?

    On a side note we could use AI to re-create optimus prime and code in the gamecube FSoD effect so you can loose all your characters again just like the good old days, or at least that's food for thought for the next april fools joke in-game.
  10. Microwave

    A.I. and PSOBB: What is the future imagined to be like, will you be a part of it?

    Ah yes, finally a way to torture AI Sit still for 3:30 and then hit like 5 or 6 buttons then try to simulate AFKing and doing something more productive until it's time to feed again.
  11. Microwave

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    eh, tried it then requested a refund after about 10 minutes of testing. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I found how text and the game in general would warp around all the time to be pretty unusable. Maybe if they implement FSR 3.0 frame generation then I'll revisit it but until then it's a...
  12. Microwave

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    Soda, I can't imagine going through that in regards to your father, let alone all this but grief will do that to you I guess. As for getting emotional, I actually expect that if your running a project or part of a team and I'd be weary of the person that doesn't. One can keep their composure...
  13. Microwave

    What’s your favorite shotgun?

    Sonic team really dropped the ball on making shots for anything after v2. It's like they kept the animation but then decided to not make actual shots. It would have been helpful to see something like a chaos shot that actually hits 5 targets for non-cast rangers to help with crowd control on...
  14. Microwave


    And bumping into you was not exactly something I was expecting myself. Goes to prove there is no truly quitting this game.