Esufer Jun 3, 2018 Work schedule is frying my brain atm. 5 in, 1 off, 2 in, 1 off, 5 in, 1 off etc. feel so unrested and no time for videogames
Work schedule is frying my brain atm. 5 in, 1 off, 2 in, 1 off, 5 in, 1 off etc. feel so unrested and no time for videogames
Esufer Apr 21, 2018 I don't really like being bossed around by that Tyrell guy... i mean, I know i need to play the game but it's the principal of it all really
I don't really like being bossed around by that Tyrell guy... i mean, I know i need to play the game but it's the principal of it all really
Esufer Apr 19, 2018 Currently level 141, cannot drum up the enthusiasm to get to 150 to equip my 4slot bovn
Esufer Apr 18, 2018 I kinda wanna make a fonewm with spiky hair and use nothing but ice spells and call him barta simpson
I kinda wanna make a fonewm with spiky hair and use nothing but ice spells and call him barta simpson
Esufer Apr 17, 2018 Heard someone singing at my door at xmas, opened the door and immediately got rekt by a megid... bloody mericarol singers
Heard someone singing at my door at xmas, opened the door and immediately got rekt by a megid... bloody mericarol singers
Esufer Apr 13, 2018 That said a police officer shot me today with a Holy Ray, before proclaiming i was under arrest.
Esufer Apr 13, 2018 FFTCG Regionals this weekend so there will be a short reprieve from the PUNishment
Esufer Apr 12, 2018 Disappointingly, Ragu pasta sauce apparently has nothing to do with Ragol. It doesn't even contain D-Cells!
Disappointingly, Ragu pasta sauce apparently has nothing to do with Ragol. It doesn't even contain D-Cells!
Esufer Apr 11, 2018 "who wants to be a mil-lily-onaire!" the hit gameshow where if you answer ten questions correctly, you still won't get a 1975 agito to drop
"who wants to be a mil-lily-onaire!" the hit gameshow where if you answer ten questions correctly, you still won't get a 1975 agito to drop
Esufer Apr 11, 2018 Imagine how much the Caves would be enhanced if they were called "Frying Pan Arms" instead