Aemse Jan 10, 2018 I want you to go to your window and shout "Im mad as hell and Im not gonna take it anymore" .n.
Aemse Nov 19, 2017 So if catnip is cat amphetamine then crazy cat ladies are keeping their pets hooked on drugs to buy their love. .n.
So if catnip is cat amphetamine then crazy cat ladies are keeping their pets hooked on drugs to buy their love. .n.
Aemse Nov 9, 2017 if hyrules and crips all got along they'd probably gun me down by the end of the song. [.n.]
kipsauce Oct 29, 2017 I'm starting to see Tim Horton's all over n.nichigan... Is this an invasion? If so I welcome our new timbits overlords. [n.n]
I'm starting to see Tim Horton's all over n.nichigan... Is this an invasion? If so I welcome our new timbits overlords. [n.n]
public education is in need of a rehaul, they still got us on that industrialization model, like we mass produce anything these days. [.n.]