in the forest1&2 and central control area,all monsters cannot be attacked, no targetable,
finally i find clues 'obj room id', but i dont know how to deal with it,plz help me, thank u in advance!
obj room ids suck. I made the mistake when I first started to make quests. I wanted to place everything myself. and learned the hard way you you'll get issues like this.
So when working with the forest (or any map that uses obj room ids) ensure that you have show room id and set that "Room ID placement" from auto to the room you are placing the objects. place the obj room id's in places that the player can't avoid such as the player sets or door ways. SCL_TAMA can be 5.0. The next room will be the ID that the player is changing to and previous is the current. So it is important that the player is in the correct map section ID. So make sure the Obj Room ID isn't below the floor and is in the correct map section. and the obj room id for when the player first warps to the area its next and previous room values are set to the room id.
If you haven't placed too many objects you can import the floor object data of the offline floor data. (map_forest01_00o.dat for example) which you can extract from the data.gsl. and moving forward import floor data from offline files and remove/relocate things to your liking.
obj room ids suck. I made the mistake when I first started to make quests. I wanted to place everything myself. and learned the hard way you you'll get issues like this.
So when working with the forest (or any map that uses obj room ids) ensure that you have show room id and set that "Room ID placement" from auto to the room you are placing the objects. place the obj room id's in places that the player can't avoid such as the player sets or door ways. SCL_TAMA can be 5.0. The next room will be the ID that the player is changing to and previous is the current. So it is important that the player is in the correct map section ID. So make sure the Obj Room ID isn't below the floor and is in the correct map section. and the obj room id for when the player first warps to the area its next and previous room values are set to the room id.
If you haven't placed too many objects you can import the floor object data of the offline floor data. (map_forest01_00o.dat for example) which you can extract from the data.gsl. and moving forward import floor data from offline files and remove/relocate things to your liking.