error 0xc000007b


anyone have thoughts on what could be causing an error 0xc000007b when i try to open the more option to change the settings?

i just tried a reinstall and it did not help and now i cant play cause i need to adjust the settings in the more option, the defaults runs way 2 slow on my comptuer

i have c++ 64 bit and x86 installed, .net framework 4.7

thank you
What's your OS?

Definitely do not download some crap app to repair errors. Unless it's from Microsoft.
Sometimes .NET configuration files become corrupted. You could try resetting those.

Go into these folders and rename your machine.config file to machine.config.bak or something and then copy the machine.config.default to machine.config



May help! I remember it fixing an issue I had with some .NET application I used before.
does this need to be done after a reinstall?

i just uninstalled .net framework and all versions of c++
does this need to be done after a reinstall?

i just uninstalled .net framework and all versions of c++
Yeah, I think so, I don't think an uninstall actually cleans everything up. Because .NET is a core feature of Windows, your uninstall just uninstalled the most recent version but doesn't fix the files.
well after uninstalling both c++ and .net i reinstalled .net and just the x86 c++ and it works!
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could i trouble either of you for best settings give the hardware i have, should i just get more ram? or wont really help? Game runs ok, not smotth and since im getting all setup again was wodnering what i can change, if i dont change the frame skip to 1, as far as i can tell its like the game runs in sloooooooow moooootionconfigs.png cinfig2.png
I think what’s holding you back is that Celeron... Probably not much you can do about that.