I dunno if this helps the topic, but does anyone recall those diagrams from the Dreamcast Age?
We had a
Diagram for each character on the creation, which explicitly shown the Base/Growth of the character.
There was no HUcaseal, RAmarl nor FOmar back in this time (and Lv100 max and no ultimate in Ver.1)
I always see this diagrams when thinking of class differences, but thats just me.
Explicitly shows the pros and cons of each class.
I remember for Casts, Its totally off the charts - Stats are near the MAX but cut in half as no MIND. Something to consider at Lv100 - 200.
Only managed to find 4 of them diagrams on different videos, and my Dreamcast died on my FOmarl long ago.
Idunno about PC editions, but i only seen them on Dreamcast and it disappeared by the Gamecube re-edition/ EP.2 implantation.
For my experience, to stay on Topic,
Logic Rating.
1. HUcast, this guy is just a Fret Train running into enemies.
2. FOmarl. Back in Dreamcast age that was my main, i reach Ultimate(Ver.2) with a FOmarl using mechguns (!).
3. RAmar(l) because Resta.
Personal Rating.
1. Racaseal
2. The Others.