Hi there!


I usually skip the introductory threads on forums, but hey I thought, why not give it a shot?

I missed this game, so it's nice to find a small but active community that can share that sentiment!
That said, of course you probably all guessed this is far from my first time playing PSO/BB. I actually started on the Dreamcast with v1, played through BB on PC.

I'm playing in Sandbox mode with someone that never played before; neither of us felt like raising mags (me because I wanted one that couldn't exist officially besides), but we are playing legit aside from that so they can kinda get the old experience.

I didn't play PSU, that I recall anyway, but we do also play PSO2, and I find I really, really miss the old Force style play (my main is fonewm).

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!
I usually skip the introductory threads on forums, but hey I thought, why not give it a shot?

I missed this game, so it's nice to find a small but active community that can share that sentiment!
That said, of course you probably all guessed this is far from my first time playing PSO/BB. I actually started on the Dreamcast with v1, played through BB on PC.

I'm playing in Sandbox mode with someone that never played before; neither of us felt like raising mags (me because I wanted one that couldn't exist officially besides), but we are playing legit aside from that so they can kinda get the old experience.

I didn't play PSU, that I recall anyway, but we do also play PSO2, and I find I really, really miss the old Force style play (my main is fonewm).

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!
Looking Forward to Pouncing and Playing wiff u too!! Welcome Home!! =3
Thank you much everyone! It's good to be here!

My second card is actually what we've decided to play on the most, and is a regular account, so y'all might see me around, and after so many years away, it definitely does feel like home ... only better, because now I can change the volume in the lobby. ;]
Thank you much everyone! It's good to be here!

My second card is actually what we've decided to play on the most, and is a regular account, so y'all might see me around, and after so many years away, it definitely does feel like home ... only better, because now I can change the volume in the lobby. ;]
Who are your player characters dear? =3
So far in normal mode I've been mucking around with a RAmarl (Audin).
Might swap out for something else since I really need to round up some mes and start mag grinding.
Makes future chars so much easier, but that first one is rough, isn't it?
Yes, for the most part ppl tend to create kinda a Hunter/Gatherer character to tank around and either gather monies or techs on the floor.....or red shinies...for the other more diverse or specialized squishy characters. Mew and other loved ones tend to be...overzealous in throwing oodles of monies at new players....not for better gear....but for MAG food =3. But yes, that FIRST character is a GRIND.....esp if you're Alone =(.
Yes, for the most part ppl tend to create kinda a Hunter/Gatherer character to tank around and either gather monies or techs on the floor.....or red shinies...for the other more diverse or specialized squishy characters. Mew and other loved ones tend to be...overzealous in throwing oodles of monies at new players....not for better gear....but for MAG food =3. But yes, that FIRST character is a GRIND.....esp if you're Alone =(.

Mmmh, it really is. My first char on live (and main) was a FOnewm, so I feel like it was rougher than it could have been, but after getting out of the slog so much fun to be had. Getting to the high level shifta/deband on the RAmarls hurts especially bad without a mag to power you through too I've realised the hard way. I'm doing what I can to help the person that hasn't played bypass that at least. At the same time, we're both used to roguelikes so he's not minding too bad. haha

I'm not looking forward to finding the techs again though, but at least the 2x exp helps for now!
tech finding is a killer i know im mainly playing fomarl atm cuz meh gosh its insane fun but setup was nightmare xD i feelz da pain but if i sees you in game i might still have a few anyway and i gib them out free so if you see lil fomarl zero ask me and i may be able to halp :D (atleast a lil bit :3)
Thank ya! I usually (don't) hang out on B2 atm since I'm trying to grind up, but I'm sure we'll end up on B1 soon.
Even if you weren't offering help it's nice to wave at people you've run into on the forums, right?