Demons/Devil Special Weapons

Unfortunately pso world has a terrible filter system so it take forever to find an explicit list of anything.

Does anyone know a majority of the rare weapons that have demons/devil specials (especially unreduced).

I have a Hunewearl, but intend on making other characters in the future so interested in any and all of the weapons that are even slightly worthwhile to run.

As a side question, would it be reasonable to compile a list like this for all of the differing special and across different weapons somewhere in this forum. I'd assume a huge number of people would find a list like that super helpful.

You could do like:
Berserk - M&A60 Vise, Diska of Braveman, Musashi, etc.
Not exactly what i was looking for but very helpful!!! (Slicer of Fanatic have seen and heard about but never actually looked at it lol). I'm assuming now there is no unreduced demons?
Devils: Battle Verge, Bloody Art, Imperial Pick, Justy-23ST, Inferno Bazooka, Flight Cutter, Twin Brand, Monkey King Bar, Demolition Comet, Black King Bar(unreduced)
Demon: Bringers Rifle

Info is from here.

Not sure how updated/relevant it is... I've had this link for a while.
Devils: Battle Verge, Bloody Art, Imperial Pick, Justy-23ST, Inferno Bazooka, Flight Cutter, Twin Brand, Monkey King Bar, Demolition Comet, Black King Bar(unreduced)
Demon: Bringers Rifle, Slicer of Fanatic

Info is from here.

Not sure how updated/relevant it is... I've had this link for a while.

Added SoF.
I also wanted to throw out that I just thought s ranks were just bad weapons until this thread (Rofl so wrong). Is there any way to get attributes/hit on them, or do they always come clean?
I also wanted to throw out that I just thought s ranks were just bad weapons until this thread (Rofl so wrong). Is there any way to get attributes/hit on them, or do they always come clean?

You can't put any attributes on them, but the ability to put specials on them is very valuable. For instance, you can make a Needle weapon with a Hell special on it (a weapon that wouldn't otherwise exist in PSO) for mowing down mobs in Episode 2.

In addition, S-Rank weapons all have unreduced specials, which means they're not subject to the potency reduction that affects some multi-hit and multi-target weapons (particularly non-rare and some lower-tier rare ones). For example, non-rare Vulcan (yellow-tier mechgun) with Demon's special is quite useless even with hit because it's reduced and therefore shaves off much less health per activation, while S-Rank Mechgun with Demon's is a much better weapon because of the unreduced special, even without hit.
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You can't put any attributes on them, but the ability to put specials on them is very valuable. For instance, you can make a Needle weapon with a Hell special on it (a weapon that wouldn't otherwise exist in PSO) for mowing down mobs in Episode 2.

In addition, S-Rank weapons all have unreduced specials, which means they're not subject to the activation rate reduction that affects some multi-hit and multi-target weapons (particularly non-rare and some lower-tier rare ones). For example, non-rare Vulcan (yellow-tier mechgun) with Demon's special is quite useless even with hit because it's reduced, while S-Rank Mechgun with Demon's is a much better weapon because of the unreduced special, even without hit.
Ok that makes sense. And the unreduced attribute, that only applies to 2 step activation specials (those affected by v501/502) correct? I really want quality spirit Mechs but because I can't have hit and unreduced means nothing there, it's better to have vulcs with hit right?

EDIT: Also in your example, I'm a tad confused as I thought demons was unaffected by 501/502 as it was a 1 step activation (it's only dependent on whether you hit or not) as you never do pathetic damage and fail to get little circle? So wouldn't it too, not be effected by unreduced?
Ok that makes sense. And the unreduced attribute, that only applies to 2 step activation specials (those affected by v501/502) correct? I really want quality spirit Mechs but because I can't have hit and unreduced means nothing there, it's better to have vulcs with hit right?

EDIT: Also in your example, I'm a tad confused as I thought demons was unaffected by 501/502 as it was a 1 step activation (it's only dependent on whether you hit or not) as you never do pathetic damage and fail to get little circle? So wouldn't it too, not be effected by unreduced?

All specials can be subject to reduction except for the sacrificial specials (Berserk, Spirit, and Charge). This post covers in detail how special reduction affects different specials on different weapons. You're correct that it's better to have Spirit Vulcan with hit over S-Rank Mechgun with Spirit since the Spirit special is not affected by reduction.

(Edited previous post to be more accurate)
^ To add to the above, there is a SMALL subset of s-ranks where sacrificial specials are niche. I say "subset" but it's mainly just charge/berserk/spirit needle. (I don't think anyone except maybe @anime uses launchers)
^ To add to the above, there is a SMALL subset of s-ranks where sacrificial specials are niche. I say "subset" but it's mainly just charge/berserk/spirit needle. (I don't think anyone except maybe @anime uses launchers)

I think we need a zerk launcher appreciation thread to go with BARANZ.
Hey man, I'm not NDW
He's the real optimal S-Rank memelord, I use pretty standard ones.
I just wanna fuck around with Berserk & Hell Sword my dude
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