Another Longtime PSO/Ephinea Player, but new to the forums


Hey All, so I figured five years is enough playing & lurking to see if this Game & Community was worth joining. Was that overdoing it a bit? ;)

Anyway, I'm a crusty old veteran gamer, been playing Videogames since 1976 at the age of 5 when my parents got us our first PONG system. I've been a fan of the Phantasy Star Franchise since the very first PS came out on the Sega Master System and for the time, the game blew my older brother & I away.

The Graphics & Sound were very impressive, for us, way above anything on the NES, but we all know that stuff is secondary over the long haul. Everything else about the game was impressive as well. From the presentation (Cutscenes! Such a novelty, and those amazing '3D' Dungeons! Wow!) to the interface, from a technical perspective the game was so easy to play, but wasn't shallow. However, as with any good cRPG, it was the story & characters that really drew us in. The Game was truly Top-Tier for the era. (And it was one of SEGA's silly oversights that the remaster was never released in America. Sigh...)

The 2nd game wasn't quite as big of a leap on the Genesis, but was still a great RPG showcase for the system. Phantasy Star III was a lot less impressive overall EXCEPT for the entire 'Generations' concept. Being able to make those critical choices playing through 3 generations of characters gave it a surprisingly good feel of the flexibility, the player agency, that is (or should be) the 'Holy Grail' of any game purporting to be an RPG. No programmed game can, of course, get anyway near the Player-Focus of even a modest Pen 'n Paper RPG, but the more the Devs keep that goal in mind, the better the game will be.

But I digress.

By the time PSO came out for the Dreamcast in 2000, it was instantly recognizable as a Sci-Fi 'Diablo Clone' & while moving to the Action'RPG' genre was a bit of a personal disappointment to me, the game still did what it was designed to do very well. Once I accepted the animal for what it was, I had a lot of fun with it. When the Gamecube version came out a few years later, I enjoyed it even more, as the 4-player splitscreen allowed my crew & I to adventure together & in person, ensconced in our Comfy Chairs. It was as fun to us as those legendary 'Halo' LAN parties (which I also enjoyed), but without all the Consoles, Cables & Clutter. :)

Still, we make do with what we have, right? While playing online with others may not be as good (obviously that's personal preference), it can still be tremendously enjoyable & it's very cool to see this 'ancient' game still alive & kicking, with players both old & new, discovering or re-discovering what makes PSO such a treasure.
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welcome welcome !! ♡
5 years of lurking ?!?! gosh ... did we intimidate u ..? (was it the hissing?) >.>
it's heartwarming to see u have such a love for the PS franchise, as well as video games as a whole! ^^

if u personally prefer to play alone (if u find us that stinky...), there's also always One Person Mode u can take a dive into :3 that way u maintain the single-player experience while still having us run around u in lobbies like little flies

(also if those are ur dogs, they are absolutely adorable. mayu LOVES huskies)
k~byeee! see u around!!
welcome welcome !! ♡
5 years of lurking ?!?! gosh ... did we intimidate u ..? (was it the hissing?) >.>
it's heartwarming to see u have such a love for the PS franchise, as well as video games as a whole! ^^

if u personally prefer to play alone (if u find us that stinky...), there's also always One Person Mode u can take a dive into :3 that way u maintain the single-player experience while still having us run around u in lobbies like little flies

(also if those are ur dogs, they are absolutely adorable. mayu LOVES huskies)
k~byeee! see u around!!
Thank you for the kind Welcome. Very much appreciated. Truth to tell, I honestly don't know why I didn't poke my head up earlier, it certainly wasn't the smell. I LOVE the deathly scent of Nar Lilies! I also do like to Co-Op, but I've found in general my play-pace is too slow for most. I like to go through each map completing everything there, hoovering up all the shiny loot, over optimized speed runs.

Yes, those are, or were, my Furry Loves. The Husky's name was Maya, the Terrier's name was Ivy. My (Ex) Wife & I had the honor of saving them out of Bad situations & we gave them the best life we could. Maybe I'll write up a small documentary about them in a 'General' post.
Thank you for the kind Welcome. Very much appreciated. Truth to tell, I honestly don't know why I didn't poke my head up earlier, it certainly wasn't the smell. I LOVE the deathly scent of Nar Lilies! I also do like to Co-Op, but I've found in general my play-pace is too slow for most. I like to go through each map completing everything there, hoovering up all the shiny loot, over optimized speed runs.

Yes, those are, or were, my Furry Loves. The Husky's name was Maya, the Terrier's name was Ivy. My (Ex) Wife & I had the honor of saving them out of Bad situations & we gave them the best life we could. Maybe I'll write up a small documentary about them in a 'General' post.
im in a similar way when it comes to pace. i like to collect everything but i feel like people dont like it when i do that and prefer to get into the action. i hope ur enjoying the forums and u have some beautiful dogs
Hey All, so I figured five years is enough playing & lurking to see if this Game & Community was worth joining. Was that overdoing it a bit? ;)

Anyway, I'm a crusty old veteran gamer, been playing Videogames since 1976 at the age of 5 when my parents got us our first PONG system. I've been a fan of the Phantasy Star Franchise since the very first PS came out on the Sega Master System and for the time, the game blew my older brother & I away.

The Graphics & Sound were very impressive, for us, way above anything on the NES, but we all know that stuff is secondary over the long haul. Everything else about the game was impressive as well. From the presentation (Cutscenes! Such a novelty, and those amazing '3D' Dungeons! Wow!) to the interface, from a technical perspective the game was so easy to play, but wasn't shallow. However, as with any good cRPG, it was the story & characters that really drew us in. The Game was truly Top-Tier for the era. (And it was one of SEGA's silly oversights that the remaster was never released in America. Sigh...)

The 2nd game wasn't quite as big of a leap on the Genesis, but was still a great RPG showcase for the system. Phantasy Star III was a lot less impressive overall EXCEPT for the entire 'Generations' concept. Being able to make those critical choices playing through 3 generations of characters gave it a surprisingly good feel of the flexibility, the player agency, that is (or should be) the 'Holy Grail' of any game purporting to be an RPG. No programmed game can, of course, get anyway near the Player-Focus of even a modest Pen 'n Paper RPG, but the more the Devs keep that goal in mind, the better the game will be.

But I digress.

By the time PSO came out for the Dreamcast in 2000, it was instantly recognizable as a Sci-Fi 'Diablo Clone' & while moving to the Action'RPG' genre was a bit of a personal disappointment to me, the game still did what it was designed to do very well. Once I accepted the animal for what it was, I had a lot of fun with it. When the Gamecube version came out a few years later, I enjoyed it even more, as the 4-player splitscreen allowed my crew & I to adventure together & in person, ensconced in our Comfy Chairs. It was as fun to us as those legendary 'Halo' LAN parties (which I also enjoyed), but without all the Consoles, Cables & Clutter. :)

Still, we make do with what we have, right? While playing online with others may not be as good (obviously that's personal preference), it can still be tremendously enjoyable & it's very cool to see this 'ancient' game still alive & kicking, with players both old & new, discovering or re-discovering what makes PSO such a treasure.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! *POUNCES and Examines the 'Crusty' croft-san more carefully than others while giggling~!* Yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen prey to the topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! As others have stated, mew is Also impressed with Your level of Passion and Devotion to gaming and the PS franchise in general~! We also still have the original PONG game box and paddles around here somewhere XD!! It's prolly in the same tattered cardboard box as the Atari 2600 and TI99A game system >=3!

You've hit the nail on the head about this 24 year old gem of a game! The music...the presentation...Everything that sucks you in and latches on, compelling you to reach out and press that POWER button...Bills and IRL crap be Damned~! XD! Yes, there's 'Other' RPG type games with vastly superior eye candy, Jiggle Physics, and dramatic features...but none evoke the warm fuzzies we get from just hearing the first 5 notes of the PSO Title screen~!! Everyone who's played PSO2 has come running back saying the SAME thing..."It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the original!" 24 Glorious years and we are STILL adopting 'Crusty' old Vets and bright eyed new bloods~! Esp Unhappy NGS players!

We actually has a "Pet thread" here if you wanna post your fur babies back stories~! <3!
Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you, too! Welcome HOME~!

Psssst.... mew purrfers "Grizzled" Instead of 'Crusty'....Wear your SCARS wiff PRIDE, luv~! >=3! <3
There is a 'Pet Thread'? Sorry. Clearly I missed it. :confused:

Something else I can't seem to find are threads for those looking for people to play with (I'm not including the team-notification one). Is that just reserved for the Discord server?

im in a similar way when it comes to pace. i like to collect everything but i feel like people dont like it when i do that and prefer to get into the action. i hope ur enjoying the forums and u have some beautiful dogs
If you're interested in puttering along in a game, let me know. We'll see if we can work something out. Yes, Maya (The Husky) & Ivy (The Terrier) were wonderful dogs, but they've been gone many years now. Before Harborer of Hope let me know there was a 'Pet Thread' I posted a brief history about them in the General Thread.
