Ephinea Online Smash Community


Smash 4 lyfe. If you wanna get into netplay melee (i'm personally fucking addicted), then the process is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar easier than it used to be. You only need to go here for the special dolphin made just for melee netplay.


That will have Version 4.9. There is a 4.4 version as well located on this site as well as giving you a platform to find players pretty much any time of day.


Or if you want to get fisted hard by my Ganon, feel free to hit me up anytime.
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Good guide.

You may have gotten me to start playing Melee again since last playing it in 2006.
I'm all about Smash 4 if anyone is interested. I just can't do melee anymore....

I'll edit this post once I remember what he hell my network name is. EDIT: It's SauceKeg
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I've removed the ROM link from your post as the Forum Rules say that no illegal content should be posted on these boards.
- No illegal content. Don't post links to, or discuss, things that should not belong on these boards.
However, I'm sure anyone with a brain knows where to go. Just remember that Girth does Dolphin Netplay with Melee V1.02 (I assume US).

PS: Peach best melee char. \. _./
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Oh man, I might enjoy this, just don't rq on me when I start being a dick with Fox. Marth is my go-to guy when I just want quick wins, but I'm just an absolute asshole with Fox lmao.
I'd be up to play if the newest dolphin didnt constantly pop out missing file errors for me. Also need a new USB GC adapter because I'm not playing without a GC controller xD

Also @Powder Keg I still play tr4sh occasionally but I cant take it even remotely serious lol
so how terrible does latency make this? Because I remember playing brawl online when I got it and it felt like I was playing in fudge.

I`m not pro enough for melee anyway, don`t want to fuck up my wrists further
it's like 20-60ms if you're on the same coast/general area of the US
cross US is like 100-130ms which is borderline unplayable when it comes to Melee 8)
Heavily dependent on your connection to the person and their ISP. When i used to play I'd get 70 ms to some west coast from michigan, and 90ms to some east coast. You need a decent PC and some stable internet. Doesn't have to be top of the line 500GB/s or something wild, but just reliable.
In my experience anything below 100ms is perfectly doable. 60 and below gets you damn near no input lag but noticeable on some characters.
Yah when i played online I couldnt play my main at the time (fox) because of the latency.
it's like 20-60ms if you're on the same coast/general area of the US
cross US is like 100-130ms which is borderline unplayable when it comes to Melee 8)
eh, I used to play with my melee buddy when he was on the west coast during tourneys. Up to 120ms is pretty fine believe or not, just have to get used to it. 150ms it starts getting janky though.
I'd be up to play if the newest dolphin didnt constantly pop out missing file errors for me. Also need a new USB GC adapter because I'm not playing without a GC controller xD

Also @Powder Keg I still play tr4sh occasionally but I cant take it even remotely serious lol
I don't take either seriously, I just play for fun. Melee just became too extreme and I got tired of it (played it religiously in highschool lol) kinda how I felt about MvC2. Everyone's like STORMMAGSENTINEL and I'm like lolfuckyoubye!

BTW, my ID is SauceKeg if anyone wants to add me. I usually stream this when I play.
Ayy, folks can drop me a PM if they want to play Smash 4 sometime. ID is SparkeeLecaro. (I also have 3DS but obviously prefer WiiU)
YO BITCHES. The weekend is here and I wanna smash. So if anyone is down for Melee netplay, PM me/shoutbox/discord/my own teamspeak. Get at me so I can knee you till you hate me. <3