Enter the Scarlet Realm (Ep1: Quest Series)


Quest Developer
Scarlet Realm is now live!

Inspired by the works of other amazing quest developers along with my own bredth of creativity, I bring Ephinea more content for the player base to enjoy. Scarlet Realm is mechanically designed to be a more mondernized sister of the long staying Endless Nightmare quest series. All quests have 2 Maps and both Cave and Ruins house Cave/Ruins 2 & 3 as opposed to EN's Cave/Ruins 1 & 2.

Sue was spotted investigating The Scarlet Effect on her own by scientists without the knowledge of any other client or party. As a result, she was escorted back to Pioneer 2 and brought into the board room; where she was asked plenty of questions in regards to what she discovered. This process ended up with Sue being inducted into the search with the science team. However, the phenomena's effect seemed to have drawn far too many monsters for the crew to handle! Will you take up the task?

Scarlet Realm #1: Forest 1 & 2
Scarlet Realm #2: Cave 2 & 3
Scarlet Realm #3: Mine 1 & 2
Scarlet Realm #4: Ruins 2 & 3

Monster Counts:

SR1: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Scarlet_Realm_1
Forest 1:
39 Booma
24 Gobooma
22 Savage Wolf
2 Barbarous Wolf
11 Rag Rappy
2 Monest

Forest 2:
27 Booma
14 Gobooma
25 Gigobooma
13 Savage Wolf
16 Barbarous Wolf
15 Hildebear
10 Rag Rappy
5 Monest

66 Booma
38 Gobooma
25 Gigobooma
35 Savage Wolf
18 Barbarous Wolf
15 Hildebear
21 Rag Rappy
7 Monest

SR2: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Scarlet_Realm_2
Cave 2
61 Evil Shark
25 Pal Shark
12 Guil Shark
19 Grass Assassin
11 Nano Dragon
20 Poison Lily
5 Pofuilly Slime

Cave 3
67 Evil Shark
36 Pal Shark
24 Guil Shark
18 Pan Arms
14 Nano Dragon
24 Poison Lily
8 Pofuilly Slime

128 Evil Shark
61 Pal Shark
36 Guil Shark
19 Grass Assassin
18 Pan Arms
25 Nano Dragon
44 Poison Lily
13 Pofuilly Slime

SR3: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Scarlet_Realm_3
Mine 1
63 Gilchic
56 Canadine
4 Canane
21 Sinow Beat
18 Sinow Gold
5 Garanz

Mine 2
69 Gilchic
40 Dubchic
53 Canadine
3 Canane
39 Sinow Beat
22 Sinow Gold
16 Garanz

132 Gilchic
40 Dubchic
109 Canadine
7 Canane
60 Sinow Beat
40 Sinow Gold
21 Garanz

SR4: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Scarlet_Realm_4
Ruins 2
54 Dimenian
33 La Dimenian
16 So Dimenian
51 Claw
9 Bulclaw
19 Delsaber
22 Dark Gunner
8 Chaos Bringer

Ruins 3
18 Dimenian
23 La Dimenian
13 So Dimenian
34 Claw
5 Bulclaw
24 Dark Belra
17 Chaos Sorcerer
17 Dark Gunner
10 Chaos Bringer

72 Dimenian
56 La Dimenian
29 So Dimenian
85 Claw
14 Bulclaw
19 Delsaber
24 Dark Belra
17 Chaos Sorcerer
39 Dark Gunner
18 Chaos Bringer

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These are great. Kudos always for making quests that streamline what the game's best at and taking full advantage of its mobs, while also throwing out new interesting things our way.
Like the penumbral surge series, I shall continue to play these quite a bit!
Hey I don't mean this in a bad way but I didn't expect much coming into this. I try not to get too excited about things. I find I end up more impressed in the end if I don't. I also find a decent amount of quests fairly terrible, esp. player made ones. I hadn't played your quest until now, mainly because I have only played Classic lately. That being said, earlier I saw Ender announce on discord that they added your quests to classic. So... I decided to give it a spin, after all I was a few levels from VH on Hucat. Even though I saw there was no dragon I was hoping it would give decent xp and new fun at the same time. Too much to ask? Only time would tell.

So first impression...

You seriously had my attention when I came in and there was a teleporter by the port to Ragol. As I ran to it I instantly thought where does this go?.. Low and behold I turned and looked and saw its twin at the other end. I instantly went OMG could it be! My mind raced with new possibilities as farmability climbed through the roof before I even set foot on the planet,

Then I go down to find lots of enemies, many in small groups, but uniquely laid out, keeping me on my toes. I liked the straightforwardness as I delved into your world, with little flavors that I now see as your personality coming through artistically in your creation.

As I made it to forest 2 I was instantly excited and intrigued by the scarlet colors and fire covering the hills (I live in a forest fire zone and was evacuated just a few weeks ago), which you conveyed perfectly. The first thing I came to was the safety of a healing ring, and thought to myself, how many times have I thought to myself there should be a healing ring in the forest. There was a second ring later which was awesome, after all why should we have to drop a pipe on the healing ring when there could just be another healing ring.


OMG... all the other things I mentioned already had me and ya this quest is wonderful, unique and different. When you went all Zelda/Final Fantasy on me and threw in the invisible port, You earned an old gamers love and praise. At first I looked for the obvious, then I searched all the Bushes on the ground for a switch, then I realized no he didnt just go all hardcore like that and throw in a hidden wall/port. I spent many years playing old action/rgp games and would walk and bump the wall to find hidden entrances. It didnt take me too long, once I realized what I was looking for, until I stepped there I got the satisfaction of being warped to where I was going. Yes... I had to do it a few extra times just for fun.

Good god man! It was a pleasure to play your quest. I appreciate the time you spent, and the skill with which your executed your dream! One thing I also was impressed with is you didn't do too much and make a gamebreaking quest, like Ender mention to watch for, with balance issues and stuff. I have talked with you a little. I feel I know you better and now know what your are capable of. I will not underestimate your abilities again. You have my attention and I can't wait to try the other quests!

Hey I don't mean this in a bad way but I didn't expect much coming into this. I try not to get too excited about things. I find I end up more impressed in the end if I don't. I also find a decent amount of quests fairly terrible, esp. player made ones. I hadn't played your quest until now, mainly because I have only played Classic lately. That being said, earlier I saw Ender announce on discord that they added your quests to classic. So... I decided to give it a spin, after all I was a few levels from VH on Hucat. Even though I saw there was no dragon I was hoping it would give decent xp and new fun at the same time. Too much to ask? Only time would tell.

So first impression...

You seriously had my attention when I came in and there was a teleporter by the port to Ragol. As I ran to it I instantly thought where does this go?.. Low and behold I turned and looked and saw its twin at the other end. I instantly went OMG could it be! My mind raced with new possibilities as farmability climbed through the roof before I even set foot on the planet,

Then I go down to find lots of enemies, many in small groups, but uniquely laid out, keeping me on my toes. I liked the straightforwardness as I delved into your world, with little flavors that I now see as your personality coming through artistically in your creation.

As I made it to forest 2 I was instantly excited and intrigued by the scarlet colors and fire covering the hills (I live in a forest fire zone and was evacuated just a few weeks ago), which you conveyed perfectly. The first thing I came to was the safety of a healing ring, and thought to myself, how many times have I thought to myself there should be a healing ring in the forest. There was a second ring later which was awesome, after all why should we have to drop a pipe on the healing ring when there could just be another healing ring.


OMG... all the other things I mentioned already had me and ya this quest is wonderful, unique and different. When you went all Zelda/Final Fantasy on me and threw in the invisible port, You earned an old gamers love and praise. At first I looked for the obvious, then I searched all the Bushes on the ground for a switch, then I realized no he didnt just go all hardcore like that and throw in a hidden wall/port. I spent many years playing old action/rgp games and would walk and bump the wall to find hidden entrances. It didnt take me too long, once I realized what I was looking for, until I stepped there I got the satisfaction of being warped to where I was going. Yes... I had to do it a few extra times just for fun.

Good god man! It was a pleasure to play your quest. I appreciate the time you spent, and the skill with which your executed your dream! One thing I also was impressed with is you didn't do too much and make a gamebreaking quest, like Ender mention to watch for, with balance issues and stuff. I have talked with you a little. I feel I know you better and now know what your are capable of. I will not underestimate your abilities again. You have my attention and I can't wait to try the other quests!

Sounds good, didn't tried since I TOTALLY NOT EXPECT THEM TO BE THE NEXT HBR (wink wink) who are you in classic btw?
Hey I don't mean this in a bad way but I didn't expect much coming into this. I try not to get too excited about things. I find I end up more impressed in the end if I don't. I also find a decent amount of quests fairly terrible, esp. player made ones. I hadn't played your quest until now, mainly because I have only played Classic lately. That being said, earlier I saw Ender announce on discord that they added your quests to classic. So... I decided to give it a spin, after all I was a few levels from VH on Hucat. Even though I saw there was no dragon I was hoping it would give decent xp and new fun at the same time. Too much to ask? Only time would tell.

So first impression...

You seriously had my attention when I came in and there was a teleporter by the port to Ragol. As I ran to it I instantly thought where does this go?.. Low and behold I turned and looked and saw its twin at the other end. I instantly went OMG could it be! My mind raced with new possibilities as farmability climbed through the roof before I even set foot on the planet,

Then I go down to find lots of enemies, many in small groups, but uniquely laid out, keeping me on my toes. I liked the straightforwardness as I delved into your world, with little flavors that I now see as your personality coming through artistically in your creation.

As I made it to forest 2 I was instantly excited and intrigued by the scarlet colors and fire covering the hills (I live in a forest fire zone and was evacuated just a few weeks ago), which you conveyed perfectly. The first thing I came to was the safety of a healing ring, and thought to myself, how many times have I thought to myself there should be a healing ring in the forest. There was a second ring later which was awesome, after all why should we have to drop a pipe on the healing ring when there could just be another healing ring.


OMG... all the other things I mentioned already had me and ya this quest is wonderful, unique and different. When you went all Zelda/Final Fantasy on me and threw in the invisible port, You earned an old gamers love and praise. At first I looked for the obvious, then I searched all the Bushes on the ground for a switch, then I realized no he didnt just go all hardcore like that and throw in a hidden wall/port. I spent many years playing old action/rgp games and would walk and bump the wall to find hidden entrances. It didnt take me too long, once I realized what I was looking for, until I stepped there I got the satisfaction of being warped to where I was going. Yes... I had to do it a few extra times just for fun.

Good god man! It was a pleasure to play your quest. I appreciate the time you spent, and the skill with which your executed your dream! One thing I also was impressed with is you didn't do too much and make a gamebreaking quest, like Ender mention to watch for, with balance issues and stuff. I have talked with you a little. I feel I know you better and now know what your are capable of. I will not underestimate your abilities again. You have my attention and I can't wait to try the other quests!

Oh my goodness, Derf, you made my morning. Thank you so much!

I love being creative and have a hefty interest in things that allow creative freedom that can be shared to other people. Having them passion for this game along with the community Ephinea has, I couldn't be happier to share more content with everyone.

Your message means quite a lot to me, so thanks again.
Oh my goodness, Derf, you made my morning. Thank you so much!

I love being creative and have a hefty interest in things that allow creative freedom that can be shared to other people. Having them passion for this game along with the community Ephinea has, I couldn't be happier to share more content with everyone.

Your message means quite a lot to me, so thanks again.
Your very welcome my friend! As long as I don't get in your other quests and find sand pits lined with traps every step im sure ill be blown away... jk

Have fun !

Everyone should go check out these quests if you haven't already and thank you to the team for adding them to classic!
Bumping this thread because of a number of changes that had occurred across the 4 quests (Especially SR3 and SR4). Because of recent balance changes and long-term feedback with a goal of diversifying hunts, the latter two Scarlet Realm quests saw extensive revamping.

The following changes are:

Scarlet Realm #1 (SR1):
- Forest 1 laser square fence room with a floor panel has a single box that was floating in the air. This box was positioned to finally be on the floor as it properly should be.

Scarlet Realm #2 (SR2):
- Extended the collision that 'blinds' monsters in the elbow hallway of Cave 2 that opens after actuating a Floor Panel. This should prevent the chance of these particular hallway enemies becoming untargetable.
- The quadrant room in Cave 3 now has it so that a previously locked door now opens when the 2nd quadrant is cleared. This door leads to boxes that were impossible to reach before.

Scarlet Realm #3 (SR3):
- Completely revamped. Many different spawns. Some remain the same and others were combined. The quest should no longer feel bareboned for an overall count.
- While it was added a while ago I will point out once again that a Box Room was added to this quest.
- Extra spawns have been added to this quest.
- Mine 1 has a room with two sets of Laser Fences that box off the middle of the room. Another laser fence saws this box section in half. In solo play, this dividing laser fence now opens upon room clear to prevent the possible loss of items out of reach.
- After clearing the room described in the previous point, a section with a right and wrong switch follows it, with the wrong switch summoning a trap to harm the player activating it. Pressing the right switch will now close the wrong switch as well as permanently disallowing the trap to ever engage.

Scarlet Realm #4 (SR4):
- Revamped a fair bit. Not as harshly as SR3, but still quite noticeable. Especially when it comes to Del-D & Bringers in particular.
- Adjusted one of the switches to locating the Box Room. It's mostly the same deal just slightly tweaked.
- Removed doors leading back to Blue Warp to Pioneer 2 in Ruins 2. This should reduce the confusion of pathing in the starting section.
- Added 2x Bringers to the Extra Spawns of this quest.
- FINALLY fixed the typo where the 'Begin assignment' scroll text had the word 'assignment' non-capitalized.
- Adjusted the Collisions of the large central room of Ruins 2 so enemies can't ever cross the laser fences. These come into play when returning to the room for the 2nd time.

That should be everything!
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Bumping this thread because of a number of changes that had occurred across the 4 quests (Especially SR3 and SR4). Because of recent balance changes and long-term feedback with a goal of diversifying hunts, the latter two Scarlet Realm quests saw extensive revamping.

The following changes are:

Scarlet Realm #1 (SR1):
- Forest 1 laser square fence room with a floor panel has a single box that was floating in the air. This box was positioned to finally be on the floor as it properly should be.

Scarlet Realm #2 (SR2):
- Extended the collision that 'blinds' monsters in the elbow hallway of Cave 2 that opens after actuating a Floor Panel. This should prevent the chance of these particular hallway enemies becoming untargetable.
- The quadrant room in Cave 3 now has it so that a previously locked door now opens when the 2nd quadrant is cleared. This door leads to boxes that were impossible to reach before.

Scarlet Realm #3 (SR3):
- Completely revamped. Many different spawns. Some remain the same and others were combined. The quest should no longer feel bareboned for an overall count.
- While it was added a while ago I will point out once again that a Box Room was added to this quest.
- Extra spawns have been added to this quest.
- Mine 1 has a room with two sets of Laser Fences that box off the middle of the room. Another laser fence saws this box section in half. In solo play, this dividing laser fence now opens upon room clear to prevent the possible loss of items out of reach.
- After clearing the room described in the previous point, a section with a right and wrong switch follows it, with the wrong switch summoning a trap to harm the player activating it. Pressing the right switch will now close the wrong switch as well as permanently disallowing the trap to ever engage.

Scarlet Realm #4 (SR4):
- Revamped a fair bit. Not as harshly as SR3, but still quite noticeable. Especially when it comes to Del-D & Bringers in particular.
- Adjusted one of the switches to locating the Box Room. It's mostly the same deal just slightly tweaked.
- Removed doors leading back to Blue Warp to Pioneer 2 in Ruins 2. This should reduce the confusion of pathing in the starting section.
- Added 2x Bringers to the Extra Spawns of this quest.
- FINALLY fixed the typo where the 'Begin assignment' scroll text had the word 'assignment' non-capitalized.
- Adjusted the Collisions of the large central room of Ruins 2 so enemies can't ever cross the laser fences. These come into play when returning to the room for the 2nd time.

That should be everything!

Thanks for the update.

When I played SR3, no enemies appeared in the location pictured below, making progress impossible.

In SR4, there seems to be a bug that prevents locking on when using a melee weapon.
In SR4, there seems to be a bug that prevents locking on when using a melee weapon.
It's been reported that the recent server update has had target issues across several quests. This has to take some time to get resolved server side.

Thanks for report tho!

EDIT: This is resolved now.
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Bumping this thread because of a number of changes that had occurred across the 4 quests (Especially SR3 and SR4). Because of recent balance changes and long-term feedback with a goal of diversifying hunts, the latter two Scarlet Realm quests saw extensive revamping.

The following changes are:

Scarlet Realm #1 (SR1):
- Forest 1 laser square fence room with a floor panel has a single box that was floating in the air. This box was positioned to finally be on the floor as it properly should be.

Scarlet Realm #2 (SR2):
- Extended the collision that 'blinds' monsters in the elbow hallway of Cave 2 that opens after actuating a Floor Panel. This should prevent the chance of these particular hallway enemies becoming untargetable.
- The quadrant room in Cave 3 now has it so that a previously locked door now opens when the 2nd quadrant is cleared. This door leads to boxes that were impossible to reach before.

Scarlet Realm #3 (SR3):
- Completely revamped. Many different spawns. Some remain the same and others were combined. The quest should no longer feel bareboned for an overall count.
- While it was added a while ago I will point out once again that a Box Room was added to this quest.
- Extra spawns have been added to this quest.
- Mine 1 has a room with two sets of Laser Fences that box off the middle of the room. Another laser fence saws this box section in half. In solo play, this dividing laser fence now opens upon room clear to prevent the possible loss of items out of reach.
- After clearing the room described in the previous point, a section with a right and wrong switch follows it, with the wrong switch summoning a trap to harm the player activating it. Pressing the right switch will now close the wrong switch as well as permanently disallowing the trap to ever engage.

Scarlet Realm #4 (SR4):
- Revamped a fair bit. Not as harshly as SR3, but still quite noticeable. Especially when it comes to Del-D & Bringers in particular.
- Adjusted one of the switches to locating the Box Room. It's mostly the same deal just slightly tweaked.
- Removed doors leading back to Blue Warp to Pioneer 2 in Ruins 2. This should reduce the confusion of pathing in the starting section.
- Added 2x Bringers to the Extra Spawns of this quest.
- FINALLY fixed the typo where the 'Begin assignment' scroll text had the word 'assignment' non-capitalized.
- Adjusted the Collisions of the large central room of Ruins 2 so enemies can't ever cross the laser fences. These come into play when returning to the room for the 2nd time.

That should be everything!
In SR2 Cave 2, the room right after the heal ring with 8 boxes that has the switch in it, the box to the left after entering drops items half way through the floor. No problems picking them up so far after 5 runs
In SR2 Cave 2, the room right after the heal ring with 8 boxes that has the switch in it, the box to the left after entering drops items half way through the floor. No problems picking them up so far after 5 runs
Forgot about that happening. Was told about it ways back and I didn't ever write it down in my notes.

Too minor to deal with ASAP, but may adjust it when I submit something else to the server.

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