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hey! i think high hit weps are cool! really high hit weps! you probably do too! whats the highest hit of each weapon on server? lets find out!
here i'm going to list each special weapon in the game. anyone who thinks they have the highest hit of a given weapon can post it here or contact me with a screenshot and you will have the title on highest on server for that weapon until proven otherwise! i'll start with my pride and joy, a 55h Striker of Chao
it's really nice for pocket paralyzing girtas and dorphons!
if you have a special weapon with insanely high hit, let me know! message me here or on discord, or post in this thread for +attention!
[alphabetical order]
here i'm going to list each special weapon in the game. anyone who thinks they have the highest hit of a given weapon can post it here or contact me with a screenshot and you will have the title on highest on server for that weapon until proven otherwise! i'll start with my pride and joy, a 55h Striker of Chao

-will be listing any special weapon!
-will also be listing each (useful) nonrare weapon combination! no Chaos Gungnir pls
-weapons that can be turned into another weapon will all have the same listing and title (Branch of Pakupaku/Striker of Chao etc)
-when an owner claims higher hit than one listed here, the previous title holder's item will be replaced
-for weapon evolutions (MKB => BKB), the earliest weapon will be listed first for alphabetical order, but the rest will be listed immediately after. Lavis Cannon/Blade/DC will all be in the same slot
-obviously these can be falsified via sandbox. though there isnt much i can do to ensure that that doesnt happen, i would greatly appreciate it if you wouldnt mess with it.
-if an image i want to post here is posted in a different public section of ephinea forums i will assume you want the title and will post it here without asking permission. otherwise, i will ask permission before posting such an image
-for the sake of compaction and consistency, i will be reformatting all (read: most) images to be comfortably small
-will also be listing each (useful) nonrare weapon combination! no Chaos Gungnir pls
-weapons that can be turned into another weapon will all have the same listing and title (Branch of Pakupaku/Striker of Chao etc)
-when an owner claims higher hit than one listed here, the previous title holder's item will be replaced
-for weapon evolutions (MKB => BKB), the earliest weapon will be listed first for alphabetical order, but the rest will be listed immediately after. Lavis Cannon/Blade/DC will all be in the same slot
-obviously these can be falsified via sandbox. though there isnt much i can do to ensure that that doesnt happen, i would greatly appreciate it if you wouldnt mess with it.
-if an image i want to post here is posted in a different public section of ephinea forums i will assume you want the title and will post it here without asking permission. otherwise, i will ask permission before posting such an image
-for the sake of compaction and consistency, i will be reformatting all (read: most) images to be comfortably small
Additional Photon % Patterns
these ↓↓ are the rates at which a special weapon with a given attribute will have a given percent pretek
note that only 6 out of 10,000 hit Daylight Scars will have 75 or more hit posttek! congrats to anyone who owns a rare with 75h or more
these ↓↓ are the rates at which a special weapon with a given attribute will have a given percent pretek
note that only 6 out of 10,000 hit Daylight Scars will have 75 or more hit posttek! congrats to anyone who owns a rare with 75h or more

if you have a special weapon with insanely high hit, let me know! message me here or on discord, or post in this thread for +attention!
[alphabetical order]
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