After some other check, i'm pretty much sure that a weapon's direction is inherent in the model itself and cannot be changed through animation change/model swap. From what i've seen, each model tends to reach its own way to swap, but i've noticed some recurrences among weapon types. Don't know if these info are well known or not, but i'll post 'em the same

(note that all these test were done with psobb offline porting , so there might be some differences in the actual game):
- among hunter weapons, Slicers work in quite unique way, cause they only accept models that are double.
This not only works for Slicers (the weapon and its throwing blade are two different models), but also for all the other weapons composed by two different models (Jizai, Sange&Yasha, Dual bird ...), weapons with wave effect special (Tsumikiri, Berdysh, Gal wind, Windmill, Plaintain fan ...) and Launchers with unique shells (Ano bazooka, Panzer faust ...). Using other models as Slicer skin could eventually make the game crash; other types react normally to model swap, while sometimes there is an odd effect related to Swords and Partisans (a line of photon energy floting at middair ...), that probably can be corrected using ParticleEditor; Daggers also may have this problem and may cause some models to be reflected horizontally. Rare Daggers animation can give the "broken blade" effect.
- for what concerns ranger weapons, the most difficult type to skin is Shot. It cannot shoot properly unless you use Shot or Launchers models; Handguns and Rifles cannot always be swapped with each other without losing the chance to hit objects, but work fine with other models (for some reason an Handgun/Egg blaster won't shoot while an Handgun/Saber will); Mechguns are the most skinnable type, considering that they seem to work with EVERY single model (even with mag models lol); Launchers are also quite skinnable.
- as for force weapons, i've not noticed anything particularly strange, besides that floating energy that sometimes appears with Cane skin; i still need to check Card's response to swap.
Anyway, imo a tool for model editing would be an interesting option to improve the possibilites of skins, hoping it would not break the game... Should i find anything working, i'll post it here.