Spuz's Stash: CLOSED

yes, let me know when your free.

Timezones make this hard lol

Uh, I should be ready around the same time you posted that message. I tend to be up about that long plus another hour. I'm in the Ephinea discord so you can just ping me @HereticKitsune in the trade channel if that'd be easier for you.

EDIT: Pretty much every night I'm up until about 5 or 6 AM EST, since I work the late shift at my job. Unfortunately I do work the next few days (Fri-Mon) so I'll only be available from 1 AM to ~6 AM EST those days. Might have to postpone this until Tues-Thurs so I can hop on at a time more reasonable for ya.
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Timezones make this hard lol

Uh, I should be ready around the same time you posted that message. I tend to be up about that long plus another hour. I'm in the Ephinea discord so you can just ping me @HereticKitsune in the trade channel if that'd be easier for you.

EDIT: Pretty much every night I'm up until about 5 or 6 AM EST, since I work the late shift at my job. Unfortunately I do work the next few days (Fri-Mon) so I'll only be available from 1 AM to ~6 AM EST those days. Might have to postpone this until Tues-Thurs so I can hop on at a time more reasonable for ya.

I would stay up later but I've been trying to stay in routine for my fitness. I'll be up a little later tonight, though if you have discord better to contact me there.
I need a demons arms if you can wrassle one with good hit, 50 atleast. Will pay 1 pd even cause I'm desperate lol, also are any on those stink frames good enough for lafuteria? Im confused about how that works
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I do not have any demons arms. That is reduced and thus I would never store. Also I am unsure on the required stats for Lafu but I think these probably are not, maybe the 81 def.
Reduction as in less effective special.

All multi-target/hit get reduction.
Mechgun is one target but hits multiple times = Reduction to specials.
Sword hits once but multiple enemies = Reduction to specials.
And so on. (Some are 1/3 worse, some1/4 etc but I do not know those specifics).

The weapons with no reduction are Handguns/Rifles/Sabers as these 3 are all single target and a single hit.
The special with exception to this rule is Sacrificial (Spirit/Berserk/Charge); they are great and work 100% on every weapon.

Reduced weapons are pretty much trash tier when you get to ultimate. Demons Arms are not good even at 100h, they would be shitty because of the reduction. It would be much better to use a Demons Raygun/Rifle/Bringer Rifle & a Slicer of Fanatic (3 target slicer for multi-target + raygun/rifle for a single enemy at length). These will do you until you can afford to save for up an srank.

This is why S-rank weapons are amazing. Because all sranks have unreduced specials. This is why people make Demons Needle for example (which is the multi-target Demons weapon you want). Though as end game weapons they cost a lot. You make one by completing challenge mode (Needle is an Episode 2 Srank Reward with name of your choice). And then it costs 50pds to Paganini to add Demons to the blank Needle.
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Reduction as in less effective special.

All multi-target/hit get reduction.
Mechgun is one target but hits multiple times = Reduction to specials.
Sword hits once but multiple enemies = Reduction to specials.
And so on. (Some are 1/3 worse, some1/4 etc but I do not know those specifics).

The weapons with no reduction are Handguns/Rifles/Sabers as these 3 are all single target and a single hit.
The special with exception to this rule is Sacrificial (Spirit/Berserk/Charge); they are great and work 100% on every weapon.

Reduced weapons are pretty much trash tier when you get to ultimate. Demons Arms are not good even at 100h, they would be shitty because of the reduction. It would be much better to use a Demons Raygun/Rifle/Bringer Rifle & a Slicer of Fanatic (3 target slicer for multi-target + raygun/rifle for a single enemy at length). These will do you until you can afford to save for up an srank.

This is why S-rank weapons are amazing. Because all sranks have unreduced specials. This is why people make Demons Needle for example (which is the multi-target Demons weapon you want). Though as end game weapons they cost a lot. You make one by completing challenge mode (Needle is an Episode 2 Srank Reward with name of your choice). And then it costs 50pds to Gallon to add Demons to the blank Needle.
Wow spuz ty for the writeup haha, i read about the sranks being unreduced but ill nvr have 50 pds lol or beat ep 2 that fast xD . Anyways i think my inspiration for the demons arms came from GHoSTs ramarl guide which said its aight. I now know you wouldn't carry so that's fine lol, rip the dream or maybe just use devils arms.

Also id like to reserve dat stinky frame, the 81 one lol

Just reread the guide lol, he never says to use that lol
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Ok, I'll reserve the smelly shield.
I would stay up later but I've been trying to stay in routine for my fitness. I'll be up a little later tonight, though if you have discord better to contact me there.

I'm around if you are. I tried pinging you on Discord but I did it in Ephinea's trade channel (because I'm shy and wary of sending unannounced DMs)