Dedicate to all my Fans ! and Mayn

Do you think nagger is the best fo of pso?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • yes Without a doubt

    Votes: 14 93.3%

  • Total voters
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Before anything else ,let me tell you a little bit about the story about how I get to pso ephinea
In the beginning a big explosion sounds and hot mass created the universe
they say that was the " big ben " since that day it became the most known clock in the whole world.
but starting with the subject
This is not a post of complaints although I will leave some
I did not do anything wrong for this reason I will not apologize.
after joining ephinea
I decided I wanted a name that I could remember
I immediately thought of my name because it was a word I learned that week
I know the bad words of the English language
but I never thought there would be any problem
I did not think at that moment sincerely
I started playing and I found myself with mew plushie
I played on another server there met mew and we always get along very well
but unfortunately I also met who you already know
a person called Hucumber or cucumber I do not remember and immediately began to attack me by my name
and he made racist comments or something like that I did not understand very well
i took screencaptures i can upload if is needed.
I blocked him to avoid fights
but apparently decided to make it bigger
Thanks to him and his posts I suffered discrimination and insults by other players who has been manipulated by his posts
I do not deserve it
I do not insult anyone, I hope you think about that
I like the game
I do not plan to retire
I'm not looking for a punishment for him
I do not really care
playing online these are things that happen
But if you allow me I want to request an annulment for the Mayn Ban
let's be honest it was a theme that became flame so fast
and was more like a trap for users .
I would feel much better if nobody were blocked by a topic that does not have a reason to be
a subject that only reflects the fear and intolerance of a person
I must say that I do not speak English 100%
I speak more than 3 languages but I can not write in my native language
I am not American
that perhaps explains a bit the confusion

Anyway, I introduce myself im nagger
I'm here to play and be a good fo
and I offer my friendship to whoever wants it
and those that do not, there are block options in the game Thank God .
Now I would appreciate it if you would give me Fo items for free and meseta but
only Tiers Thanks !

I'm looking for a team but no one good i want to be in the best if is not the best im not interesed
Without more to say
I sent greetings to all my fans
and the ephinea staff
Have a good day or night or burrito or pizza or anything you have
Until next time................ Malignant laughter :D !!!!!
Well shit.

D'awwwww it was nice to meet you too Nagger-san! Mayn-kun is simply in TIME OUT atm dear...He'll be back...albeit hopefully a lil' moar aware of thinking before blurting out something uncool. Rules are Rules dammit! Ephinea is growing to be a lot of great things and word is spreading! We may not has 'Safe Zones' banners strung up openly everywhere, but any warriors who first arrive here with uneasiness will feel there IS a warm LGBTQ presence. We may have a group of players from inner city workings and 'projects' who like to add their 'thug life' flavor to the parties they host...But even They know better not to go overboard and profane the community with 'N' word bombs and degrade others for not 'representin' their ethnic cultures...knowing being civil and polite is better for Everyone. We have players who have overcome social anxieties and mental quirks that YES, they may be difficult to get along with without medication or extreme amounts of patience...but we TRY reaching out to them rather than Ban or punt them outrite at their first offenses. *Notices everyone looking at her with shuffling feet and darting glances....* OK, ok, ok, guess you all know what your mew is trying to say...We're a tolerant and even Loving community...but we can't just GIVE IN to every whiny whim to change identities to suit THEIR ideology. Rules are Rules...Have a problem with DA RULZ??? We has a 'suggestion box' of sorts....we are not inflexible...we are not monsters...we are not bigots...we are not....*notices Matt Matt-samas snickering....* ...H....HEY!!! X'D!

To comment on the Mayn ban, he's not being unbanned because nobody else is responsible for his actions. He could have chose not to say what he said, but he did, nobody made him say it, and if that's truly what he thinks, well he has some shitty thoughts.

That's all, please continue.
To comment on the Mayn ban, he's not being unbanned because nobody else is responsible for his actions. He could have chose not to say what he said, but he did, nobody made him say it, and if that's truly what he thinks, well he has some shitty thoughts.

That's all, please continue.
Mayn’s delivery was poor, but if we start punishing speech because it questions assumptions about the great disadvantages and / or advantages of qualities people are born with / without, or if we start calling people racist for questioning how much advantage or disadvantage is a result of those qualities, or for offering alternate possibilities for why certain demographics may have some advantage or disadvantage just because it’s an uncomfortable matter... That’s a dangerous ideological road to start down that’s very hard to come back from. Tread carefully. Someone isn’t necessarily racist or evil just because they examine widely-accepted but “don’t you dare question” media talking points.

To clarify: There’s a difference between being contemplative and contrarian. Punishing one person for the latter (and deservedly) may encourage community members to lump together and mistreat the former.
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