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*SQUEEEEEEEE's At Avatar~!* =^n.n^=
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MERCY! Thank you so much! I eternally hope to cross paths with you in game! I've always heard all the sweetest things about you! :D
Harborer of Hope
Harborer of Hope
Your mew is usually out of her kitty coffin at Midnight EST... by what name do you go by in game, luv? That way mew knows Who she's looking to Pounce~! =3
Hit 20 with my Ramarl, and locked in as Greenill. Looks like I'll be covering most of my group's core ranger desires. Not bad all things considered.
Now to find my old stand by gear to get me through more leveling.

Also feeding only monomates sucks, but it's coming along. Just gotta follow my mag feeding plan. All for the stats.
My search for Heart of Angel may come sooner than I thought.
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Green is a great ID for her specifically! You can hunt HS and use the Divine Punishment special in ep 4 Desert and it will be the strongest DP in the game!
As for heart of angel that’s just an item ticket mag cell so you can get easily during anniversary or just buy for 2 pd.
If you want to get power leveled lemme know I never mind. Also I might have some RA mags lying around.
I hope to play with you someday... have Mercy! We Love you! >w< *Huggles*