Yueru's Shed


Low-Tier Memelord
Welcome to my outlet of items I have found! The best way to contact me would be on discord @mrfmrf.

I prefer trades in PDs, PCs or Gold Badges.

Kaladbolg [0/20/0/0|50] - 1
Galatine [5/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 2
Agito (1975) [0/5/25/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 3
Agito (1975) [0/0/0/10|0] (UNTEKKED) - 3
Agito (1980) [0/0/0/0|15] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Chain Sawd [0/0/0/0|-5] - 1
Red Sword [25/0/15/0|5] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Imperial Pick [0/15/0/0|55] - 24
Morning Glory [5/0/0/0|25] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Demolition Comet [0/0/25/0|40] - 5
Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/40|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) (Kills: 0) - 1
Snake Spire [0/0/0/0|35] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Raikiri [0/0/0/0|0] - 5
Monkey King Bar [10/0/0/0|5] (UNTEKKED) - 2
Girasole [0/0/0/0|0] - 1
Girasole [0/0/10/0|0] - 1
Girasole [15/0/0/15|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Guren [0/0/0/0|0] - 1
Yunchang [0/0/0/0|0] - 1
Soul Banish [0/20/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Rika's Claw [10/15/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Diska of Braveman [25/0/0/0|20] (UNTEKKED) - 1

Arrest Gladius +10 [0/0/0/30|50] - 1
Berserk Gladius +10 [0/0/0/40|50] - 1
Berserk Gladius +5 [0/40/0/0|50] - 1
Diska +1 [0/0/35/0|70] - 5

M&A60 Vise [0/0/5/0|25] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Yasminkov 9000M +10 [0/30/0/15|0] - 1
Phonon Maser [0/0/10/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Ruby Bullet [0/0/0/5|25] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Rage d'Ame [0/0/15/0|20] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Rianov 303SNR-5 [35/10/0/0|5] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Final Impact [0/0/0/0|30] - 0.5

Arrest Raygun +3 [30/0/0/0|40] - 0.5

Hitogata [0/0/0/30|40] - 18
Solferino [0/0/20/0|0] - 1
Club of Zumiuran [0/0/0/0|30] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Club of Zumiuran [0/0/0/0|40] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Fire Scepter: Agni [0/0/5/15|0] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Ice Staff: Dagon [15/0/5/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Caduceus [0/10/0/0|15] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Caduceus [0/0/15/0|10] - 1
Fatsia [0/0/0/0|20] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
Purplenum Card [0/0/15/15|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Purplenum Card [0/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/5/10/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/5/10/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [20/5/0/15|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/0/15/25|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/15/20/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/15/5/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1
Glide Divine [0/25/35/0|15] (UNTEKKED) - 2
The Sigh of a God [0/0/0/90|5] (UNTEKKED) - 1
The Sigh of a God [20/0/20/0|10] (UNTEKKED) - 0.5
The Sigh of a God [0/0/0/0|25] (UNTEKKED) = 1
Madam's Umbrella [0/0/0/0|15] (UNTEKKED) - 2
Tyrell's Parasol [0/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) - 1

King's Striker x2 - 1

Guard Wave (Slots: 1) (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 1
Guard Wave (Slots: 1) (DFP+26 EVP+5) - 2
Luminous Field (Slots: 0) (DFP+36 EVP+15) - 2
Luminous Field (Slots: 2) (DFP+2 EVP+16) - 1
Electro Frame (Slots: 0) (DFP+23 EVP+17) - 2
Sacred Cloth (Slots: 1) (DFP+1 EVP+9) - 1
Sacred Cloth (Slots: 0) (DFP+28 EVP+2) - 1
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+22 EVP+0) - 3
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 3) (DFP+17 EVP+0) - 2
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+14 EVP+0) -1
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 1
Black Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 1) (DFP+5 EVP+3) - 1
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 4) (DFP+5 EVP+3) - 2
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 0) (DFP+6 EVP+2) -1
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 1) (DFP+3 EVP+2) - 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (Slots: 4) (DFP+7 EVP+10) - 4
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (Slots: 0) (DFP+4 EVP+3) - 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (Slots: 0) (DFP+10 EVP+5) - 5
Select Cloak (Slots: 1) (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 5
Tempest Cloak (Slots: 0) (DFP+8 EVP+4) - 3
Spirit Cuirass (Slots: 1) (DFP+2 EVP+0) - 1
Lieutenant Mantle (Slots: 1) (DFP+2 EVP+13) - 1
Lieutenant Mantle (Slots: 0) (DFP+19 EVP+13) - 3
Lieutenant Mantle (Slots: 2) (DFP+7 EVP+8) - 2
Samurai Armor (Slots: 0) (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 1
Flame Garment (Slots: 0) (DFP+42 EVP+13) - 2

Recovery Barrier (DFP+5 EVP+3) - 1
Blue Barrier (DFP+0 EVP+1) - 0.5
Blue Barrier (DFP+2 EVP+0) - 0.5
Yellow Barrier (DFP+5 EVP+3) - 1
Rupika (DFP+4 EVP+7) - 6
Yata Mirror (DFP+15 EVP+14) - 2
Three Seals (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 1
Honeycomb Reflector (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 15
Stink Shield (DFP+0 EVP+0) - 1
Sacred Guard (DFP+2 EVP+4) - 1

Gods Shield "Genbu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) x3 - 1 ea
Gods Shield "Seiryu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) x3 - 1 ea
Secure Feet (DFP+18 EVP+3) - 2
Gratia (DFP+19 EVP+3) - 1
Gratia (DFP+17 EVP+1) - 1
Yata Mirror (DFP+0 EVP+0) x3 - 1 ea
Yata Mirror (DFP+5 EVP+20) - 2

Cure/Freeze - 1
Cure/Paralysis x3 - 0.5
V801 - 7
Heavenly/Ability x4 - 2 ea

S-beat's Arms x 3 - 1 ea
S-red's Arms x2 - 1 ea
Bringer's Right Arm x2 - 1 ea
Parts of Baranz x2 - 1 ea
Gi Gue's Body x2 - 1 ea
Gal Gryphon's Wing - 1
De Rol Le Shell - 1
Star Amplifier x5 - 0.5 ea
Book of Hitogata - 5
Amplifier of Foie x3 - 0.5 ea
Amplifier of Zonde - 0.5
Amplifier of Barta - 0.5
Amplifier of Gibarta - 0.5
Amplifier of Blue - 0.5
Magic Rock "Moola" - 0.5
Rappy's Beak x2 - 1

Thanks for taking the time to read :)
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