where can i get lees battle param editor

Ultimate Difficulty names for enemies are wrong for Episode 2, yes. There are also several enemies that have stats, but no names associated to them (a variation of an enemy like Canadine or just read incorrectly?). There are even entries that have elemental resistances, but no other stats. The tool has a problem when it comes to exporting data in CSV, as it only exports "Physical Stats" tab while ignoring the rest.

Somewhat on-topic, this page lists some enemy names, but it's even less complete than the editor.
Soly said:
Isn't just the monster names not being set correctly?
The monster names are set in Normal, Hard, and Very Hard, but it says, for instance, that So Dimenian has 0 resistances to everything in Very Hard, which is surely wrong. It isn't reading the right offsets for each enemy, either, at least for resistances. Qedit has the same problem and says random things like Dimenian being weak to Zonde instead of Foie, based on the resistances it displays.
I see, well after seeing the program with some names wrong and such I wanted to make one to fix that but I guess we'll have to go a bit deeper and fix all those other things...
Just a few days ago, made me a gsl exlporer/extractor because I don't like those out there xD (it works with afs too but most stuff if not all, like the KT files have prs so need to decompress them auto-magically, not a big deal).
Soly said:
Just a few days ago, made me a gsl exlporer/extractor because I don't like those out there xD (it works with afs too but most stuff if not all, like the KT files have prs so need to decompress them auto-magically, not a big deal).
Unlike ihTerra's GSL tool, BlueCrab's archive tools won't BSOD you. I can't say I liked that one very much, either. :roll: