Great idea for a thread! I'm really quite surprised someone didn't do this before, LOL
I'll do just one character now, my RAcast. Ade Lv 200 Purplenum
Ep 1 / 4 setup (obviously this can change a bit for quests / events, but this is the setup that makes me LEAST likely to have to hit the Bank before starting)
Spread Needle - 0 0 30 0 45h
Excalibur - 100 0 0 0 30h
Charge Vulcan - 0 0 0 0 55h (sadly I haven't found better than 55h in 4 years and not paying ridic amounts for it)
Baranz Launcher x2 - 100 0 100 0 50h and 0 100 0 100 50h
Charge Arms - 0 40 0 30 60h
Frozen Shooter - 25 25 0 0 45h
Twin Blaze 0'd
Cannon Rouge 20 0 0 0 30h (waiting for 40+h to Sphere)
Heaven Striker 100 0 0 100 45h (sadly I don't have a HS set; waiting for another 40+h for that...might be awhile...)
Armor: D-Parts ver1.01
-Cure / X (depends)
-Cure / X (depends)
will throw on a H/HP for Shambertin so his missiles don't knock me down on Ult Mode
Shield: Red Ring
Mag: Tellusis- 5 148 47 0
Material usage: 90 Power, 32 Defense, 28 Luck
For ep2 I just swap out the SNeedle for an Srank Hell Needle, usually I'll bank the Excal since inventory becomes a concern, add Hell Laser, possibly Hell Shot Srank, and Demon Mechs if I'll be fighting a bunch of Epsilons. Oh, also sometimes I take a Berserk Launcher because it's sorta cool for certain bosses. Oh and I usually bank the Zalure Needle and maybe the Demon Needle because the setup for Ep 1 / 4 already puts my inventory at 25/30 without a scape...
As someone who is relatively new, I thought I would post something realistic for others to aspire to in the short term.
My Main Character is a Level 157 HUnewearl called 'Sakura', and her ID is Greenill. Here is a list of equipment I use on her:
- Charge Vulcans 0/0/0/0/50 (A wonderful gift from a wonderful person and essential for any kind of DMG.)
- Berserk Calibur 0/0/0/25/45 (I love to use Caliburs, they are just cool.)
- Charge Calibur 0/35/0/0/40 (As I said.)
- Charge Diska 0/0/0/45/45 (It's kinda cool.)
- Blizzard Raygun 25/0/0/35/50 (Really great for big targets like Hildelts in solo mode.)
- Brightness Circle (Who doesn't love EDK?)
- H/Power (Helps do more damage.)
- H/Battle (Helps do damage faster.)
- H/Body (I found that it did make a bit of a difference using this, especially in solo mode.)
- Ogre/Power (Don't judge me, I had 2 H/Power but I gave one away.)
-Kasami Bracer (An amazing shield, the ATP boost really makes a difference.)
Here's a good (in my opinion) Ep1 Multi-Mode setup for FOmar, transferred to Hit I'd feel comfortable with. Non-vanilla Hit% items, like Type-weapons or Girasole, and (buffed) Blizzard Weapons are not included. Also, the One Person Mode and Ep2/Ep4 setups are very different from this.
Eisbecher - Level 200 FOmar
Charge Vulcan [0/0/0/50/65]
Charge Raygun [0/0/0/25/60] -or-
Spirit Raygun [0/0/0/0/65]
Diska of Braveman [100/0/100/0/55]
Diska of Braveman [0/100/0/100/55]
Bringer's Rifle [0/0/0/0/50]
Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/0/40]
Excalibur [60/0/0/0/30]
Gal Wind [0/0/0/0/50]
Raikiri [0/0/0/0]
Magical Piece [0/0/35/0/65]
Club of Laconium [0/0/0/0]
Excalibur [0/0/60/0] For locking Vol Opt
Psycho Wand [0/0/0/0]
Glide Divine* [0/0/0/30/30] Rabbit Wand skin from Seasons
Nidra [5/34/46/115] [Twins/Estlla/Pilla] -or-
Soniti [5/34/46/115] [Twins/Estlla/Pilla] (For looks in quests without bosses)
Charge Vulcan [50h+, highest Hit you can get - 60h Charge Gatling from Scavenger is relatively cheap and good]
Charge Raygun [50h+, highest Hit you can get, Spirit Raygun also works]
Diska of Braveman x2 [50h, 55h for Dark%]
Bringer's Rifle 50h
Slicer of Fanatic [Highest Hit you can get, hitless works when you start out]
ES Demon's Cards
ES Hell Cards
Excalibur [20h+, highest Hit you can get]
A HP drainer [Gal Wind is great, Girasole also works]
Magical Piece [Any Stats]
Club of Laconium [For Falz, any Stats]
Glide Divine [Any Stats]
Thirteen [FOmar DoB can combo kill lots of stuff with Zalure (without Zalure if frozen / good RNG)]
Ignition Cloak [FOmar Gifoie can be really potent in some areas]
Red Ring [20 ATA and 20 ATP, the 20 ATA really improve FOmar]
Merges [Gifoie especially, but others also make sense]
Combat Gear [Really good before 180]
Three Seals [Killer resists and Razonde bonus, good for low levels]
V502 [When using Arrest]
Cure/Unit [Freeze, Paralysis, Confuse]
Heavenly/HP [Can be useful especially during low levels]
Tellusis or Nidra are the best ones, but any Mag with Invincibility Triggers works.
"Situational or Luxury Goods"
ES Demon's J-Cutter/Slicer
ES Arrest J-Cutter/Slicer
Psycho Wand
Excalibur Set with Hit [Optimally you want this, but really expensive / rare, 35h+ is best]
Raikiri [For Duvuik in TTF]
Guardianna [Sphered Dark% and 50h+, Machine% also nice]
ES Spirit Cards [Recently got them and they are really nice for RT]
Dress Plate
Congeal Cloak
Tempest Cloak
Anti-Dark Ring
"Not used"
Striker of Chao [Barehanded SD is faster and FOmar's range is really good anyway, fastest SD in the game FTW]
Holy Ray [Rifle-range Arrest is not really needed in Ep1]
Adept [Only not used in later levels, it's very good early]
I'm sure there's more stuff one could use, but this is what I generally feel comfortable with.
These are two of my RA builds, as I already had them on hand. I do Important Stats Only material plan, but RAcast has 38 Luck materials. (Things in {} are quest dependent.)
Such Charge Vulcans were available as part of an infamously broken event, and I think this one is also from there since it's 75h and clean, just like the ones from that event.