Undoing Mag Cell?


Some years back a kind player gifted me some items for my Racast (now lvl 50), one of them being a Rappy mag cell. I now have a lvl 100 Rappy mag that from what I'm reading will be its permanent look? I'm kind of at a loss, I liked the evo path and stat spread on this one (15 DFP, 50 ATP, 35 ATA), and starting over seems like it's going to take the wind out of my sails. Does using another mag cell overwrite this Rappy one, or am I unfortunately stuck with this derpy little bird floating over my shoulder? Any help or confirmation is appreciated!

Unfortunately, yes.

This will clear up basically all of your doubts.

You can play around with this tool to simulate the result you're looking for.


Unfortunately, yes.

This will clear up basically all of your doubts.

You can play around with this tool to simulate the result you're looking for.

Thanks for the confirmation. Real bummer but ah well.