I know I'm "double posting", but in case you miss an edit on my previous post, I believe each class in PSO should shine in it's own way.
HUcast having trouble hitting things without a Hit% weapon or DEX mag is by design of ST. That is his character. Hits like a truck... when he hits.
That being said, going with the all classes should shine, ST also gave other hunters and rangers support spells. I was considering the idea of giving hunters and rangers support spells during the loadout in Ult CM, but half of the level that FO gets (Example: If a FO gets S/D/J/Z LV 20 in a particular quest the HU/RA equivalent would be LV 10). This would help with the stages being too difficult, but they'll still be difficult, without having a FO around. Again, FO has to be able to shine.
But back to the HUcast thing, I could adjust the amount of hit weapons dropping to be a little more in CM, but it may not be necessary. You should know, going in there, that HUcast won't hit as good as other hunters. This is Ultimate Challenge mode, not Normal Challenge mode. Enemies have more EVP.
Edit: Oh, and the leveling thing, if you can survive Falz' swipe, then I believe you're good. Pretty sure all the classes can as they are now.