Transfer into Ephinea

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Staff member
Playing on another server but don't like the idea of starting over?

We now offer the ability to import your character into both Sandbox and Normal accounts on the Ephinea server.

You can retrieve your character file using the Character Downloader Tool. You can download this tool at **REMOVED**

Once you have downloaded your character file, you can use the webpage at to import your character file into your already existing Ephinea account.

Importing or transferring into a Sandbox account doesn't have many restrictions, but transferring into a Normal account has many.

When transferring into a Normal account:

- Your character's level will be halved.
- Your character's material use, including HP and TP materials, is reset.
- Your character's items, including those that are in the bank, are deleted.
- You will be given starting equipment relative to your level.
- Your learned technique levels will be halved.
- Your quest progress is reset.
- Your challenge data is reset.

For more information, see the Transfer to Ephinea page at
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Oh man, I was about to hit you up with some hacked shit and 85 hit weapons on skype, then I kept reading the post loool. Still, great option for those not lucky enough to be playing on this server.
I'm not really happy with this. Especially because ultima is the default server for your tool. Feels like this is just a way to steal players easily.

You started this community as a PSO developing board, but since then it has slowly but surely shifted to mostly a concurrent PSOBB server.

It feels like you first attracted pso devs with the idea of making an open source/git version of teth but not a single release has been done since startup. Just be honest about it if you just want to keep it to yourself and make your own server.
So a char that is raised to lvl 200 can then be transfered to a normal account at lvl 100?
That's quite the boost no?
Someone said something similar, but the post was removed.
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Regarding transferring in at level 100 from 200, I honestly don't think it's much of a boost at all.

To get to level 100, you need 2,339,735 experience normally.
To get to level 200, you need 83,227,800 experience normally.

Level 100 is 2.8% of the way to level 200. A boost? Maybe. But "quite" the boost? Not really. You have barely walked any of the path to max level. Level 100 is like, only being in Ultimate for a little bit, you're only just getting started.

It feels like you first attracted pso devs with the idea of making an open source/git version of teth but not a single release has been done since startup. Just be honest about it if you just want to keep it to yourself and make your own server.

To this I say, SO WHAT? I've been working on the public release, actually, was trying to get it out the door before the end of last month, but failed. Been working on it still and it's coming soon, but even so, SO WHAT?

I don't know why people are all upset that there hasn't been a release in a while. I had stopped actively developing the server for almost 8 years, then I come back and start adding a bunch of stuff, and everybody just wants to use my work.

Ephinea starts adding a bunch of cool stuff no other PSO servers have done before and everybody gets jealous.

Why couldn't any of you guys do the same stuff I did? I've only been adding code again for about half a year. You guys had way more time than I had with the source code. So, don't start that hater shit here.

If people are just going to sit on their ass and cry "WHEN NEXT TETHEALLA?", then there really is no point in making it open source, now is there? I might as well make it closed source and binary only, 'cuz, yeah, about 8 years, not much changed. I come out the woodwork, fix a ton of shit, add a ton of features, "OMG PLZ POST UPDATE!!!"

And, really, you're mad because my tool can be used to steal players from Ultima? Why even be mad at that? If anything, it should light your fire to make Ultima an even better server so that players wouldn't be tempted to leave. Even so, my tool might not even be used to "leave" a server, but to simply allow a person to bring their character over here so they can server hop, back and forth, to enjoy both communities.

It also allows your players to save their characters on their own hard drives just for their own peace of mind. I suggested a character downloader through your website to Larva a couple of times and all he's ever said is it's not needed, you guys have backups, etc. But a lot of players want to be able to have their own copy of their data. It gives them peace of mind.

But, anyhow, you guys have a gang of money from donations every month, right? What, couldn't hire a developer with that cash during all those years to do some really sick stuff with my PSO server code instead of waiting around on me?

I don't feel guilty, bad, or whatever you're trying to make me feel by what I'm actually doing at all. I move to my own beat, man.
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So a char that is raised to lvl 200 can then be transfered to a normal account at lvl 100?
That's quite the boost no?
Right, but do remember you've had to have done some work to actually get to that point.

The idea is to give people a leg up if they've already done the work to get their character to a certain point elsewhere, as character data should honestly belong to the player to do whatever they want with, assuming other server operators let them do something with it outside of their own personal servers.
Regarding transferring in at level 100 from 200, I honestly don't think it's much of a boost at all.

And, really, you're mad because my tool can be used to steal players from Ultima? Why even be mad at that? If anything, it should light your fire to make Ultima an even better server so that players wouldn't be tempted to leave. Even so, my tool might not even be used to "leave" a server, but to simply allow a person to bring their character over here so they can server hop, back and forth, to enjoy both communities.

I just got a Deja-vu. I remember some years ago when Pyro released your proxy to work with ultima. You didn't like that at that moment and you told to him "only because you can, he shouldn't been doing that and affecting others just because he can and want to.

It also allows your players to save their characters on their own hard drives just for their own peace of mind. I suggested a character downloader through your website to Larva a couple of times and all he's ever said is it's not needed, you guys have backups, etc. But a lot of players want to be able to have their own copy of their data. It gives them peace of mind.

Let me see if I understand this, so because i decide not to follow your guidelines, you decide to give this tool to the users and in top of that the ability to transfer their character here so they can start playing here with a boost of level 100?.
And your arguments its; so the user can have their own backup? even tho the title topic its called "transfer to ephinia" and not something like "tool to backup character".

just like MagicLuthee says
Great system, if it helps attract more players that's cool.

its pretty clear the intention of this topic and tool, Even for other of your members.

But, anyhow, you guys have a gang of money from donations every month, right? What, couldn't hire a developer with that cash during all those years to do some really sick stuff with my PSO server code instead of waiting around on me?

I don't feel guilty, bad, or whatever you're trying to make me feel by what I'm actually doing at all. I move to my own beat, man.

This is not to make you feel guilty or bad , but so you see what your doing, you just trying to bring users here by encourage them to transfer their progress on another server. Another true is, the user will come even if you don't give this to them. But doing this is just easier to bring users no? (rhetorical question)

I just don't see how this is something of pure intentions. I guess just my opinion.

And before anyone said , no i would never use or public a tool like this. Because each server should be able to success with out hurting others. People can say a lot of things about Ultima but we never had this attitude against others.
The tool is a character downloader. You dont have to use it to transfer to Ephinea, but it is a part of the process to get here.

The tool doesn't hurt anyone, just your pride when someone leaves for good, if they do.

The end.
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Agreed. If anyone has some issue with the feature or needs help with it, talk to the staff.

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