Total newbie reporting in!

Hey all! I was always interested in PSO as a kid, but I never had an original Xbox nor the means to play online on my GameCube or Dreamcast...but lo and behold we get another shot at it in 2024! Hope y'all are enjoying the game still all these years later and I hope it's as fun as it looked when I was 10 years old ❤️
EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines the Fishies-san more carefully than others~!* Don't for a SECOND look down on yourself for missing out on being 'online', dear!! ALL you really missed out on was All the RAMPANT HACKING!! So at least now as an adult you get to experience PSO the way it was Meant to be played! And yes, It Still looks as nice as it did back when you were 10 yrs old! Willing to even bet it will look 'nicer' since as an Adult, you now be seeing it with more of a happy 'Squee~!' factor! =D!! With all the intro hooplah aside luv, you're gonna find the 23 year wait WORTH IT! Welcome HOME~! =3