This place look cool


I've got a co worker that plays pso2, but every time he mentions it I remember the days of playing this on dreamcast, the game cube with friends. Racked up hundreds of hours so it was good times, was searching online and found this server and it immediately caught my interest and read over the whole sight and joined. Won't get to play for the first time until I get off work in a few hours, but I can't wait this seems like a good community. On anther note does the forum not allow aol accounts to sign up tried to use one and it wouldn't let me.
ayyy you came at a good time, people are starting over with the first pso "season" at this very moment. it's been going on a month already, 2 months remain. more info here

Even if you don't It's the best place to get your pso fix so welcome aboard!
Yeh I saw the news post about seasons and intended to do that since I'm used to the c concept in d3, also gonna see if I can talk a roommate to revisiting pso aswell.
WONDERFUL to not only hear another Old Guard Dreamcaster returning to the fight....buuuut you're trying to bring a comrade to join your Nostalgia fix as well????? Awesome Sauce! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you Both! Welcome Home! =3
Yep I have high hopes for the one roommate, luckily anything he starts playing my other roommate joins the band wagon so might get a 2 for 1. And after figuring out the controls and interface for about an hour or so got productive and cleared through to the cave past the dragon on my FOnewearl, so the good times are rolling.