The Shop Of Saya


Please use Discord for all communications.
I will not reply to forum emails or replies. It is way to difficult to arrange a trade without instant communication I will make an exception only if the purchase is for multiple Photon Hoards in value otherwise it is way to much of a headache.

Discord: Rolo.Ren

Typical Shop Hours : 10 AM EST - 1 AM EST Check the time it is for me here :
If you message me outside of these hours I will get back to you as soon as wake up just send a DM I will respond as soon as I see it and address your order.. Note: Shop hours are usually extended on the weekends! I update my shop after every trade

Accepted Currency: Photon Drops , Photon Hoards . (If an item is listed as meseta I will accept meseta but I really have no use for it)

Enjoy some Umineko Music while browsing my tradelist :

Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Red Ring* [24/85] [4/25] (Green paint, but can restore to Red if needed) 50 PD
Limiter (11500 Kills) = 31 PD - I am actively wearing this limiter price will keep going up until it turns until an adept

1 PD (each) Meta Gear Amazing for Beginners. Increase your Damage and Utility for only 1 PD! (Each of these items is 1 PD each)

50 Hit Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 1 PD
50 Hit Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] 1 PD
0 Hit Slicer of Fanatic 1 PD
0 Hit Daylight Scar 1 PD
Glide Divine 1 PD
Solferino 1 PD
0 Hit Frozen Shooter 1 PD
0 Hit Baranz Launcher x8 1 PD
0 Hit Rambling May 1 PD
Yata Mirror 1 PD

Cure/Paralysis x8 1 PD
Cure/Slow x6 1 PD
Cure/Confuse x3 1 PD
Cure/Freeze x0 1 PD - Out of Stock
Cure/Shock x5 1 PD
Devil/Technique x0 250k Meseta - Out of Stock
Divine Protection x2 2 PD
Heavenly/Battle 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Mind 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Arms x2 3 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Ability X3 2 PD
Heavenly/Power X0 1 PD Out of Stock
Heavenly/TP 250k Meseta
Limiter 26 PD - Out of stock
V502 x5 27 PD
V501 3 PD - Out of Stock
PB/Create x3 1 PD


AddSlot x0 2 for 1 PD - Out of Stock
Power Material x0 - 6 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
Mind Material x0 - 3 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
HP Material x0 - 6 PD Per 99 - Out Of stock
TP Material x30 - 1 PD = 3 Mats - stockpiling and reserving for someone
Luck mats X52 3 for 1 PD
Def Material x171 - 2 PD Per 99 Mats
Magic Rock "Moola" x3 250k Meseta
Star Amplifier x5 250k Meseta
Parts of Egg Blaster x2 250k Meseta
Heart of Angel 2 PD - out of stock
Kit of Mark III 2 PD
Tablet x2 250k Meseta
Amitie's Memo x3 7 PD
Stealth Kit x7 4 PD
Item Ticket x5 2 PD


HUmar/RAmar Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv15 + Resta Lv15 + Anti LV5 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv15) X 0 - 3 PD -OOS
HUnewearl/ RAmarl Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv20 + Resta Lv20 + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv20) X 4 - 4 PD
Force Tech Set (contains all Attack Techniques Lv29 and all Level 30 support + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Reverser (with level 26 grants and megid) X 0 - 7 PD
Grants Lv28 x2 - 2 PD
Grants Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of stock
Megid Lv27 x7 - 1 PD
Megid Lv28 x3 - 2 PD
Megid Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of Stock

Event Commons

TypeDS/Rod [Devils] [0/0/0/0|30] x2 2 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Hell] [0/0/0/0|40] 8 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x5 5 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x7 3 PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|35] x3 5 PD
TypeME/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 5 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 4 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x1 4 PD

Enemy Parts + Completed Weapons

Gi Gue Bazooka [Seize] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 2 PD
G-Assassin's Sabers [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] x3 2 PD
S-beat's Arms x2 1 PD
Delsaber's Left Arm x3 2 PD
Parts of Baranz x8 1 PD
Belra's Right Arm 2 PD
Gi Gue's Body x5 2 PD
Sinow Berill's Arms x13 2 PD
Grass Assassin's Arms 2 PD
Berill Photon x3 7 PD

Common Weapons

Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Gungnir +5 [Charge] [50/0/0/0|45] x1 1 PD
Diska +1 [30/0/0/0|65] 1 PD
Diska +1 [Charge] [0/0/5/0|50] 1 PD
Raygun +5 [0/0/0/0|70] 2 PD
Raygun +15 [Blizzard] [0/40/40/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +3 [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun [Arrest] [0/50/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Arrest] [0/45/35/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Riot] [0/0/0/0|75] 3 PD
Raygun +2 [Charge] [0/0/0/45|45] 1 PD
Raygun +6 [Spirit] [0/40/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Spirit] [25/0/0/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +1 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +2 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +15 [Demons] [0/0/35/45|50] 2 PD
Laser +6 [Spirit] [0/0/30/0|50] 1 PD
Laser +3 [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|50] 1 PD
Laser +7 [Demons] [0/0/0/15|50] 2 PD
Arms +3 [0/0/0/20|60] 3 PD
Arms +2 [0/0/35/0|60] 4 PD
Arms +6 [0/0/30/0|65] 5 PD
Arms +4 [Burning] [40/0/0/0|60] 4 PD
Club [Thunder] [0/25/0/0|65] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [45/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD

Hunter Weapons

Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/35/20|15] 2 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/25/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/25/15/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [30/20/0/0|20] 3 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [0/0/0/20|40] 3 PD
Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [0/20/0/0|40] 3 PD
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/0/0/0|15] 2 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [40/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [25/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [0/0/0/0|15] 3 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [30/0/0/15|15] 3 PD
Girasole [0/0/0/0|30] 8 PD
Girasole [0/20/0/0|30] 8 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [15/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/35/0/45|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/5/5|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/10/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [10/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/20/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/25/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [25/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [30/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/25/0/30|0] 1 PD
Zanba [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD

Ranger Weapons

Baranz Launcher 0H 1 PD
Frozen Shooter [30/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Frozen Shooter [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Frozen Shooter [0/15/30/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/10/5|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [15/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [30/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/20/25/0|30] 8 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [15/20/0/0|0] 2 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [0/25/15/15|0] 2 PD

Force Weapons

Branch of Pakupaku [0/5/0/0|5] 1 PD
Branch of Pakupaku [0/20/0/20|20] 1 PD
Fire Scepter: Agni [Flame] [0/15/0/0|30] 250k Meseta
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [5/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/5|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/5/20|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [40/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [10/10/40/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ice Staff: Dagon [Freeze] [15/0/0/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/15/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/15/0/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/20/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|15] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|20] 250k Meseta
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/30/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [25/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [20/0/35/0|0] 1 PD
Striker of Chao [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [10/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/30/0|35] 3 PD
Vivienne [Heart] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD

Lames + Excaliburs

Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] x3 250K Meseta
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/15|0] x2 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/15/0|0] x3 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/25/0/0|0] 2.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/0|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/30|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/0|0] 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/35/0/0|0] x3 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/35|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/15|0] 3 PD

Armor + Barriers

Spirit Garment [6/7 | 1/5] [0S] 3 PD
Spirit Garment [7/7 | 4/5] [0S] 6 PD
Stink Frame [74/85 | 34/85] [4S] 5 PD
Attribute Plate [4/8 | 4/8] [1S] 1 PD
Guard Wave [21/50 | 2/20] [1S] 1 PD
DF Field [43/50 | 14/20] [2S] 7 PD
Luminous Field [47/50 | 18/20] [4S] 30 PD
Flame Garment [19/50 | 10/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [27/50 | 11/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [39/50 | 16/20] [0S] 3 PD
Electro Frame [24/50 | 19/20] [0S] 2 PD
Electro Frame [48/50 | 2/20] [2S] 17 PD
Smoking Plate [23/50 | 17/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [35/50 | 8/20] [3S] 3 PD
Smoking Plate [31/50 | 13/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [40/50 | 7/20] [0S] 2 PD
Morning Prayer [9/10 | 5/20] [0S] 5 PD
Morning Prayer [10/10 | 9/20] [0S] 7 PD
Morning Prayer [8/10 | 19/20] [0S] 5 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 1/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 3/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [9/10 | 2/10] [0S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [6/10 | 8/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 7/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 7/10] [1S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 8/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [5/10 | 10/10] [3S] 2 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 10/10] [1S] 4 PD
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] x3 2 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 0/8] [0S] 4 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 7/8] [0S] 6 PD
Mother Garb [9/15 | 0/5] [0S] 3 PD
Mother Garb [12/15 | 1/5] [0S] 5 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 2/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 2/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [2S] 4 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 5/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 8/8] [0S] 2 PD
Cursed Cloak [8/8 | 2/8] [0S] 8 PD
Lieutenant Mantle [11/21 | 8/18] [0S] 1 PD
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 1/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 4/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [1/8 | 5/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [4/8 | 6/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [2/8 | 8/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [7/8 | 7/8] 10 PD
Light Relief [0/7 | 1/7] 1 PD
Light Relief [2/7 | 3/7] 1 PD
Shield of Delsaber [0/7 | 0/7] x2 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [1/10 | 5/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [6/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [4/10 | 4/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [7/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 3/10] 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [8/10 | 9/10] 1.5 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 0/10] x2 2 PD
Gods Shield "Genbu" [0/0 | 0/0] x3 1 PD
Gods Shield "Seiryu" [0/0 | 0/0] x3 1 PD
Rico's Earring [66/85 | 19/25] 5 PD
Rico's Earring [65/85 | 20/25] 5 PD
Secure Feet [37/50 | 9/15] 3 PD
Secure Feet [23/50 | 9/15] x2 2 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Recovery Barrier [3/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 2/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [3/5 | 4/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 3/5] 2 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 4/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [3/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [4/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 1/5] 2 PD
Gratia [20/20 | 5/15] 3 PD
Gratia [11/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 12/15] 2 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [19/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 11/15] x2 1 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 3/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [9/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [1/10 | 1/5] x2 2 PD
Yata Mirror [10/20 | 5/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 3/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 4/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 2/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [17/20 | 1/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 3/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [11/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [20/20 | 4/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [13/20 | 12/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [14/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [9/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 12/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 12/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 17/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 21/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 20/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 25/25] 8 PD

Clair's Deal 5 + Forge Items

Agito (1975) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [30/0/15/15|0] 3 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [25/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/30/0/0|15] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [10/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [50/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/15/0/20|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/25/35|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/20|15] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/20/0/15|30] 1 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|0] x4 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/20|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/35/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/30/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|20] 2 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [35/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/20/30/55|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/0/35/25|35] 3 PD
Delsaber's Buster [Storm] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [0/0/20/0|15] 1 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [30/0/15/0|30] 2 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/20|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [20/30/20/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [35/0/0/0|15] 1 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/35/0|0] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [15/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [35/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|15] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/20|25] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [30/0/0/35|25] 2 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/10/20/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [15/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [25/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/15|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/20/0/0|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/30/15/0|25] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/25/0|25] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [15/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/15/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/15/20/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/30|15] 1 PD
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Heaven Punishers

Heaven Punisher*(stats have been hidden to protect the identity of the buyer) With Divine Filter and Heart of Ruby Bullet 1150 PD ヘブンパニッシャー
Heaven Punisher* (stats have been hidden to protect the identity of the buyer)With Divine Filter 850 PD ヘブンパニッシャー

Sold out of All my mats but I will be restocking them over the coming weeks hopefully :P
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Added another Heaven Punisher

Heaven Punisher(stats have been hidden to protect the identity of the buyer) 450 PD ヘブンパニッシャー

If you wish to trade my discord is or you can find me on the ephinea discord my name is "Saya The God of Heaven Punishers"
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Added 2 new items to the shop

Heart of Ruby Bullet 250 PD ルビーバレットの心
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Sorry I looked for this but I don't see it on my FO gear character. I think I might have given it to someone. I went ahead and removed it from my list.

Very sorry about that . I always try to update my list after every trade but sometimes when I just give stuff away it slips my mind.

If you need a Glide divine I can just give you one for free for the inconvenience .
It's okay That's it then
Shop is Reopened. Despite asking to be left alone people kept adding me on discord and emailing me on the forums.

I played a bit since the shop closed so I will update my shop sometime this week maybe.
editing that there are no heaven punishers left Hiding the stats for the privacy of the buyers.
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Red Ring* [24/85] [4/25] (Green paint, but can restore to Red if needed) 50 PD
Swordsman Lore X2 (10,000 Kills) - 15 PD Each I sold both no longer in stock
Limiter (11500 Kills) = 31 PD - I am actively wearing this limiter price will keep going up until it turns until an adept
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