The Secret Spawns of the Scarlet Realm quests revealed!


French Fried
@Esther, the Scarlet Realm quest designer has hidden in each of them a few secret spawns.

This little guide will modestly try to show you how to trigger them.

Scarlet Realm 1 : 2 extra Hildelts in Forest 2.
The Forest secret is easy to figure out.

It does no require to complete quest or to kill all enemies.

SR1 TP in .png
Stand in this corner of Forest 2, there is an invisible TP.

SR1 TP out.png

It will transport you there. Activate the switch to bring the bridge up.

SR1 Hildelts.png

Enjoy your 2 extra Hildelts and remember...

SR1 ABC.png

... to Always Break Crates !

Scarlet Realm 2 : 5 extra Pan-Arms in Cave 3.

The Cave secret is more complicated.
It requires to complete the quest first.

SR2 rock.png

When the quest is complete go back to the beginning of Cave 3 : shoot the giant rock and destroy it.

SR2 fence room.png

It will lead you to a room with a lot of fences.

SR2 switch 1.png

Activate the switch hidden in the South West fake wall of the fences room.

SR2 2nd room.png

It will open the East room.

SR2 switch 2.png

Walk over the south east corner of this room to open the north door.

SR2 ceiling.png

Shoot the ceiling of the newly opened North room which finally...

SR2 P arms room.png

... gives you access to the Pan-Arms room situated East.
Scarlet Realm 3 : 1 extra Baranz, 3 Sinow Beats and 10 Sinow Reds in Mine 1.

Like Cave, the Mine secret requires a few steps.
You will have to complete the quest with all enemies killed.

SR3 telepipe.png

While running through the quest, set a pipe in the second health ring room of Mine 1.

SR3 switch1.png

Once the quest is complete, go back to pioneer 2 with the teleporter and return to the health ring room with your telepipe.
A switch appeared, activate it, set a new pipe and go back to P2.

SR3 Talking box 1.png

Go back to the beginning of Mine 1 via the Pioneer 2 teleporter, head North West and enter a newly opened room with a friendly box inside.

SR3 talking box 2.png

Talk to the box, walk in a full circle on every corner of the room starting South east, counter-clockwise and back in the same corner, then talk to the box again.
( i am still unsure about this specific part, let me know if it is not accurate )
Regular boxes will spawn : Break them and go back to P2 via the teleporter nearby.

SR3 sinows 1.png

Go back to the health ring room thanks to the telepipe.
New enemies should spawn in the large room situated south.

Scarlet Realm 4 : 5 extra Dark Bringers in Ruins 2.

Like Cave and Mine, the Ruins secret requires a few steps.
you need to complete the quest first.

SR4 switch 1.png

While running through the quest be sure to activate the switch situated on this little platform of Ruins 2.
It shows up once you killed the 2 Dark Gunners wandering there.

SR4 Orb.png

Once the quest is complete, go back to the third room of Ruins 2, there are 4 pillars with glowing orbs above them.
Shoot the orbs 3 times each to open the 4 slots door.

SR4 Switch 2.png

Break the crates in the 4 slots room to reveal a hidden switch. (it will only be there once the quest is complete)

SR4 door opened.png

Go back to the second room of Ruins 2, the 2 slots door is now opened

Walk through it but watch your health out, the incoming rooms are heavily polutted with blue radiations.

SR4 TP.png

Press the Pick-up button on the left of this closed door to activate a secret teleporter.

SR4 bringers.png

Press the switch and TP back , the door is now opened.

Extra Dark Bringers will spawn in the two rooms that follow..

If you see any errors, please let me know.
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