The Price Check Compendium


Prices are currentish as of 7/29/2019


These prices are largely in flux with (insert most recent event here). If you see something you disagree with, please let me know.

Ephinea's economy is dead fluid, and prices can—and will—change quickly. Use this thread at your own risk.

If you don't see an item here, there's a good chance it's worth 1pd or less. You probably won't see ubers here either; their value fluctuates too much. Ditto any armor/shield with max defense. On a related note, anything worth auctioning will just say "auction."

Spread Needle* - 1 pd without hit, 2-4 with 15 hit, at between 20-40 hit, divide the hit value by two to get pd value (Arch's estimate). 45h+ runs closer to 1pd:1pt of hit
Girasole - 1 pd 0'd, 2-3 pd with high native, 2-5 pd 15-25h, 7-25 pd 30-40h, 45h+ auction.
Red Sword* - 1 pd 0'd, 2-8 pd 15-30h, 10-15 pd 35-40h, 45h+ auction.
Diska of Braveman - worthless 0'd, 1 pd 15-30h, 3-6 pd 35-40h, 45h 12 pd, 50h+ auction.
Yask 9000 - 1 pd 0'd, 3-7 pd 15-25h, 10-15 pd 30-35h, 40h+ auction.
Frozen Shooter - 1 pd 0'd, 10-12 pd 30h, 35h+ auction. Value has been steadily recovering for 30h and below, imagine it'll cap around 15-20
Slicer of Fanatic - 1 pd 0'd, 30h 8-12pd, 35h+ auction. Value on these at 30 or lower hit has rebounded a bit, ditto above
Yunchang - 1 pd 0'd, 2-10 pd 15-30h, 35h+ auction. (these tend to be valued lower than you'd think, but 45+ is $$$)
Flowens 3084 - 1 pd 0'd, valuable with 40+ hit.
Cannon Rouge - 2-3 pd 0'd, auction with some combination of x/x/0/0/x, hit values over 20 aren't typically needed
Quest Vjaya (40hit) 3PD, higher hit auction. think we'll be seeing a lot more of these at higher hit soon. an item to watch/maybe sell if you've been holding onto one. Auction above 45
Tyrell's parasol 0hit 1PD, 35+ hit auction. haven't seen one of these sell in a while, but there are bound to be more 40 hitters after the event.
Rambling May - 1 pd 0'd, 5-20 pd 15-25h, 30h+ auction. 50h is floating around 250, lower hit values have likely dropped drastically
Holy Ray - 1 pd 0'd, 3-10 pd 15-25h, 15-25pd 30-40h, 45h+ auction. These haven't been selling well either, but the 50h is probably around 50
Asteron Belt - 1 pd 0'd, 5 pd 30h relatively low value up to 30h owing to event item, 35h+ auction. 50h is around 45
Guardianna* - 1 pd 0'd, auction with 40h+, value tanked a bit. 50h is probably 60ish

Lame - 4pd 0'd, higher with native/a beast, auction with any amount of hit. Add 5 or so if it's an excal.
Heaven Striker - 4 0'd, auction with hit.
Last Swan - 8 pd
Master raven - 5 pd, some have been bought much higher recently.
Lavis Cannon - 15 pd 0'd, auction with 35+ hit. Tech it down to -5 if you find a 15 hitter
Guren - 1 pd 0'd, auction high hit
Yasha - 6-9 pd 0'd, auction high hit
Clio - 12~ pd, stats largely irrelevant
S ranks - 30 custom, cheaper with awful names (why do you people do this?)

50h shop bulk (c vulcs, c arms, etc) - 1 pd
50h arrest raygun - 1pd
50h hell raygun - 1pd
50h berserk/spirit arms - 1 pd
Restless Lion items(V) - 1-12 depending on stats (high end most likely being set-focused caliburs, possibly c/z arms too). Mileage will vary here.
55h+ sacrificial vulcs/arms - 2-5 pds thanks to presence of 60h red weapons (gatlings, launchers, etc)
meme mechs: 20pd
55h sacrificial gatlings/launcher - 1 pd
60h sacrificial gatlings/launcher - ~25/10, can be hard to pry these away from people, gatlings in particular
Any 60+ sacrificial arms/Vulcan - auction

RL caliburs - 5-12 pds for x/0/0/x/50, x/x/0/0/50, etc. Some have gone as high as 45.
70h+ swords - auction, though 75h calis have increased supply in what was a very limited market
70h+ shots - not much unless sacrificial, though 90h “recently” went for 45
70h+ rods - nada

Elemental Wands - 1pd
Bringer arms - 1pd
Baranz Launcher - 1pd
Branch of Paku Paku - 1pd
Glide 1pd

Snow Queen - 7pds for hitless, ~15 pds for 15 hit, 40h+ auction.
Black King Bar - 10-15pds with decent stats, 20h+ auction.
Magical Piece - 20-25 pds
Type Sh/Shot, 40h/charge - 1-3 pds
Gold badges - 1.5 pds each
Silver badges - 1pd/5
Asteron Belt 30h - 8 pds
Frozen shooter 30h - back up to 10~15
Max stat merges - 4-6 pd, gif runs higher at 8-10
Eggs: 2:1 to 3:1
30h vivienne - 12 pd
60h hell railgun - 15 pd

Aura Field - 2 pd
Ignition Cloak ~12 pd, running very high atm
Black Hound Cuirass - 1 pd
BOVN(V) - 1-3 pd (these have been selling very low)
Mg - 2-3 pd
Mg+ - 4-8 pd, recently auctioned higher at 25 with decent stats (seems too high IMO but so it goes)
Love Heart(V) - Spirit Garment +50 PDs(if purchasing heart key from vendor, possibly cheaper if purchased with event currency) ~ 51 PDs
Sweet Heart(V) - Love Heart + 50 PDs (another key) ~ 101 PDs, more realistic price around 40-50 if you can find one
Virus Armor Lafuteria - 50
D parts 1.01 - 2-3pd
Thirteen 1 pd
Electroframe - 1pd
lieutenant mantle - 1 pd
(add .5-1pd for each slot)

Anti dark ring - 9-10 pds
Ranger Wall - 2 pd, but do the timing game instead of buying it.
Red Ring - 40-45 pd min, 50-65 mid stat, auction after. Low stats in particular have dropped in value
S parts 2.01 - 15-20 pd, can take a while to find though. think we'll see a steady decline in the value of these now that they drop in ult, though high stat ones will keep value
Three Seals - 1 pd
From the Depths - 15-20
Kasami Bracer - 2 pd
Safety Heart - Invisible guard(5pd) + heart key (50 from vendor) or more realistic value of 25
Red barrier 5 pd
Yellow barrier - 2 pd
Blue barrier - close to worthless thanks to event rabarta being ~2pd + max stats

v502(V) 25-30 pd
v501- 2-3 pd
v801 - 10-12 pd
h/battle - 2 pd
g/battle - 1 pd
g/pow - 1 pd
g/arm - 1 pd
h/arm - 5 pd
h/pow- 1 pd
swordsman lore(V) - 8 pd, add 10 for poss
limiter - 20-25 pd, add 10 if it's an adept
c/abil - 8-10 pds
V101 - 20-25 pd, high demand atm

Power: 6-7:1 pd
Mind: 12-14:1pd
HP: 5:1pd
TP 3-5:1pd
Def/Eva - 30+/1pd
luck - 2:1pd to 3:2pd

Any found via item ticket - 2-3 pd
Ametie's Memo - 2 pd
D photon core(V) - 15-25
Dragon Scale - 5-10
Liberta Kit - 20 pd (people asking for more lately but not getting it, though demand does seem much greater than supply)
stealth kit - 1pd

29 attacks excluding grants/megid - 1 pd
30 supports - 1 pd
28 megid/grants - 3 pd
29 megid/grants - 5 pd
30 attacks - auction

Syncesta - Auction
Photon Crystal - 1:1 pd (used to be 1:2pd or 2:3pd but market is flooded atm; buy with caution).
Photon Sphere - 90-95 pds if bought from another player (please do that thanks)
PGF - 35-45 pds, running high atm
Magic Rock: Moola - 1 pd
Blue black stone/photon booster - ~30-40pd due to event, if you can find one. 50 @ pagini
Add slots: 2:1 pd to 3:1 pd
grinders: 50-80 - 1pd
meseta - 333k-500k per pd
Soul of yask 9k- TBD
Soul of Rianov- TBD
RR paint- 2 pd each

to be continued...
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Liberta has been 20-25 with certain stat agastyas being 30-35
Poss /adept 35-40
Baranz 3pd
G arm 1-3
H arms as much as 8
H pow 4-7
Armors are good but usually +1pd per slot

With the influx of new people 801s I think are still an average of 15, but for less if you can same with 101 being 17-20

0d red rings 50-60

S parts 2.01 15-20

Just my experience and recommendation on some stuff. A lot of good weapons seem to have the formula of 1pd per hit if it's over 30 then 40+ is auction

Most of it I agree is fairly accurate. However just because it's a range people shouldn't expect to always buy it at the minimum price listed as it's always supply and demand.

I personally think the "max" price is a standard and would consider the minimum listed prices as being a bargain.
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Looks solid exo x) Parasitic cell type D is not a mag cell, its d photon core you're thinking of :)
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Despite any disclaimers, people may come to subconsciously think of this as a "price guide." It's great that you want to do this, but I think you'll have to update it quite vigilantly to keep it from being misused. Nice effort thus far, however. :)
thanks for all the suggestions/edits; made a bunch of corrections.

yeah, this is probably destined to fail eventually when I get tired of changing it around, but at least some of it will stay useful.
I have though many times it'd be so easy if there was a price references to check instead of searching forums and posting. However the market always changes with supply and demand, and usually it's a group of us key players on here that price check from experience (:
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Reactions: Eva
imo god battle is free and h/battle is 1 pd.

that's just me tho
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Reactions: Eva
imo god battle is free and h/battle is 1 pd.

that's just me tho

I would usually ask a bit more for H/Battle, but with the deluge of them from the Valentines Day event, I'd put them at 2 or so PD.
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Reactions: Eva
Fair play Eva. I may not play normal mode more than once every 6 months..
..but after a discussion in the shoutbox last week I was considering making a thread myself for players to have some sort of reference. (I'll probably do a HC one at some point after easter, regardless of its small economy). I'm glad someone has done it as I'm sure many will come to use it. At 1st it might be alot of work but eventually once it's all filled in and estimated then it would a great reference. Only things from their would be stuff that drastically changes in the economy which isn't as often as you'd think. Events blah blah.

If your willing to edit it now and then, along with the community giving imput, it for sure would work. I vote that it be stickied for all using the trade area!
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bump. slight changes. keep corrections coming if you see them.
Safety Heart is the shield of the Sweetheart set. There's also a Sweetheart Armor. All of which require the Heart Key which is 50PDs each. So essentially:
Safety Heart (Shield) - Invisible Guard + 50 PDs ~ 55PDs.
Love Heart (Armor) - Spirit Garment +50 PDs ~ 51 PDs
Sweetheart (Armor) - Love Heart + 50 PDs (another key) ~ 101 PDs
updated 5/18 to reflect changes in prices after the Easter event. Let me know if I've missed something here (probably have).
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