Thank you, Nostalgia


Wow. How awesome. A few days ago I was reminiscing on my childhood and started thinking about which were my favorite consoles..? favorite games... and out of nowhere I remembered PSO for the Gamecube. I got PSO as a christmas present. Spent every single day that break playing with my older brother. I played a hunter, he played a ranger. Well anywho, did some googling on PSO and BAM, stumbled across this amazing site and server. Thank you, Nostalgia. Thank you, mods! And thanks to all the fans who keep this baby going! Looking for people to play with as well. :) .
Wow. How awesome. A few days ago I was reminiscing on my childhood and started thinking about which were my favorite consoles..? favorite games... and out of nowhere I remembered PSO for the Gamecube. I got PSO as a christmas present. Spent every single day that break playing with my older brother. I played a hunter, he played a ranger. Well anywho, did some googling on PSO and BAM, stumbled across this amazing site and server. Thank you, Nostalgia. Thank you, mods! And thanks to all the fans who keep this baby going! Looking for people to play with as well. :) .
SQUEEeeeeeeeeeee!!! YOU dear, are among Mew's favorite kinda players! It's the people that Geek her out to have been away from the game for over a decade....then suddenly "Get the 'urge to Google PSO'! Gooood, let the Nostalgia FLOW through you!...Give in to your past Passions and JOIN Us....*Notices ppl staring at mew with her fangs out again....* ahem...We're very glad to have another Old Guard Gamecuber return to the fight! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you too Flokies! Welcome Home!
Oh! is it wrong to assume you have chosen a Hunter class again? Hmmmmmmph? =3