
What is TEAMZ?

TEAMZ is a friendly, yet competitive, impromptu Time Attack event where a group of players are split up into equally sized random or drafted teams. Each team will generally have around 10 minutes to prepare, before spending an hour or so TAing a random quest. Obviously, the team with the best time at the cutoff is the victor.

TEAMZ emphasizes quick planning and coordination between party members that may not be familiar with each others' playstyles. Additionally, the quest selected may be unfamiliar to the players; this forces players to learn new quests and tests each player's ability to memorize enemy spawns in a time-constrained environment. (Credit: mt)

How to get involved?

Join to the official TA discord, we could discuss at which time we all would be able to meet up for a TEAMZ session. The following discord mentioned is here:

Another thing...

Is up to you with your team if you would like to decide to run the TEAMZ session either on the Sandbox Ephinea mode, Ephinea with your current gear, or else you could also decide to run on the TA Server (Unseen Server). Remember to discuss on the TA discord so we could make it clear how every team on a session would like to run in any of these options.