TEAM OnlyHUneys


Elf Main

Chill Little Team!

Huney's fans welcome! Not limited to Huney's however!

•Just chill and fun gaming!
•Activity ain't required!
•Leave Attitude/Ego at the door!


1st: Team Flag
2nd: Dressing Room
3rd: N/A (Point of Destruction probably!)

Thanks to the support to the little TEAM! It's been fun and I hope to bring the TEAM to a point where we can make more friends!
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Oh wow, this is a great team ^w^ ! HUnewearl are the best characters in PSO !
I would have joined your team if I didn't have mine ^w^. But I'll join you and teamates sometimes on Ragol. So, good luck and see you later.
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Chill Little Team!

Huney's fans welcome! Not limited to Huney's however!

•Just chill and fun gaming!

•Activity ain't required!

•Leave Attitude/Ego at the door!

Mew will do whatever she can to halp support this energetic and CUTE Fledgling team~! She does however, has qualms regarding HUneys doing "nothing", nya! Before the server gods had removed the category of "Most techs casted" from the leaderboards, Mewplushie was among the top 3 (often fighting for #1!) for YEARS! Why mention this? She was the Only NON-FO listed in the category! HOW? Wherever she went, she was a walking giggling RAbarta grenade freezing enemies solid so that everyone could get a chance to hit for exp (before Shared Exp was a thing) and she was Buffing and Debuffing everything in sight to allow the Zerkers and Tanks to go Apeshyt and do what they did best! Was often confused as a FOney with her Fun Sized stature and hair style, until she would get angry and whip out Two Kamui revealing her class to the shock of everyone!! >=3! Give a HUney a V101 and a V801 and you have an adorable little Demon at your side~! Anyway, just wanted to pout...will keep a close eye on this team! <3!
Oh! A loved one had once sent mew this video saying how much it reminded them of her! Purrsonally, mew feels it should reflect on All HUneys... >=3!
It's more in the sense the TEAM activity is not really established "yet". Not the class performance per say. :p

That's why I try to recruit some more people and possible making friends, and maybe getting something casual going on.
Ohhhhh, Okies!!! *Puts claws and fangs away*. Your mew kinda got 'Triggered' thinking it was a ploy on HUneys in general....=P. There's already a residential team calling themselves V. I.N. ( Very Important Newmens) =D! Can totally see someone concocting some "Casual Cuties" team now that mew thinks about it...>=3! Mew will PM you to see if there's anything she can do to sponsor your growth and Mojo~! ♡