Skyrim fun builds (Mods/RP/whatevs)


Baguette Hunter
Hi everyone,
I wanted to start a thread about your fav Skyrim builds with or without mods. I'm still playing from time to time and like to experience different gameplay styles beside the ALLMIGHTY sneak/archer :p
i don't know if there's a lot of Skyrim players here, some of this mod can make you enjoy the game again from a different perspective or with a new type of gameplay :)

The mods i use that affect gameplay :
Character creation Overhaul (let you chose primary skills that get bonus, other skills will be at 5 and slower to lvl up)
Midas magic
Invested Magic
Sky Redone (by far my favorite mod)
Skyrim Unbound : let you chose where you begin, your starting equipment/wealth, and you can also chose to be a dragonborn or not, also let you play the game as a Bandit/Forsworn/Imperial/Stormcloak but ennemies factions will attack you on sight.

Some of my builds :

Primary skills

This build is about conjuring bows and armor, and using the new perks in Enchanting and Alchemy to craft magical and exploding arrows. You basically use Fire/Ice/Lightning and Explosives arrows to destroy everything, use the conjuration perk to soul trap and enchant your gear to boost your magicka/elemental damages/stamina.
The destruction skill allows you to boost further your elemental damage and elemental enchantments, with the Sky Redone perk, you can also specialize in one element in order to boost damage further but you becom less efficient in the other elements. You can also conjure atronachs to protect you.
It's a nice build with a lot of destructive power but kinda slow to reach high lvl.

Primary skills :
Heavy armor

This build is centered on the crossbow, the marksman perks allow you to upgrade your crossbow twice (silent, anti-shield, fast reload, light crossbow,...), the smithing perks will allow you to craft and enhance your crossbow and to craft stronger bolts. With the enchanting skill you'll be able to craft elemental bolts to deal more damages.
In this build you'll be in heavy armor firing bolts at everything and stabbing everything that get too close with your crossbow. The damage input is wonderful with the armor penetration of the crossbow.
The Speech skill is a bonus that will help you enhance your Thu'um (thanks to Sky Redone), the Wayfarer skill allows you to track ennemies, and deal more damage to them.

Primary skills:

The Sky Redone mode allows you to have perks about necromancy, you'll be able to craft your own skeletons with parts taken from corpses, raise the dead, and have an entire army of minions. The midas magic mode offers some Poison and Death-ray like Destruction magic, or you can stick to the Ice element. With the restoration skill, you can unlock Plague and Curse type of magic to spread deaths upon your foes.
The only bad thing about this mod is the AI of the skeletons you craft, you'll sometime lost them in a cave or anywhere else because they're too stupid to use a door or some stairs. But this build is a lot of fun to play. I recommend to play on a very high difficulty straight away because this build is a "little" overpowered

I have other builds made with these mods like : Paladin, Monk, Knight, Ninja, Scout, Heavy Battle Mage, etc...

Don't hesitate to share yours or to ask for more !
it's been a while since I've played, but I had two builds I ran with
Honestly that was pretty much it. Alteration for armor boosts if needed, but if you're doing it right they will never get that close. Double summon your favorite minions, stay waaaaay back and double cast destruction spells (for the stun) while you let the minions do most of the damage. Enchant your stuff to boost your destruction skills, or HP/MP, whatever is needed. Game gets pretty casual after a while.

True Nord
Double Handed
Light Armor
Blacksmith (lol, I forgot what this is called)
Alteration (for the extra armor)
Restoration (mostly for the stamina regen)
Use enchanting to boost your light armor and double handed skills, slap an alteration shield on when you approach enemies, chop everyone to pieces with a shiny 2-handed glass sword, and cast a heal spell when your stamina runs low. Got super OP late game
I usually gravitate towards focusing on a class's strengths and then when levels get more sparse swap over to the opposite of what i was using to cheese more levels. I have a big ol long modlist I might post if anyone's interested.
I mostly use mods that change magic + Sky Redone which change a lot of things in the skills tree. I use these mods to try and stay focus on one class in order not ot become overpowered in later lvls by being 100 in all skills lol. But the magic on Mida's Magic mod is really powerful so you can play :)
The main things I have that aren't just QoL or slight graphical improvements are Apocalypse (spells) and Ordinator (perks).
I can only remember one build I was using "recently" (3 years ago)

One-Handed (Dual wield)
Heavy Armor
Restoration (for healing)

Enchanting and Smithing to make & boost gears (mostly Fortify One-Handed and Fortify Stamina Regen on every jewelry, so you get back to max stamina very fast). And use the Dragon shoot that boost attack speed (when maxed, it get to a insane attack speed. So insane that I could kill dragons in 3sec on Expert difficulty).
With the SkyRe mod there are specific perks to enhance further dual wielding :) This kind of build is fun to play also ^^
yeah at one point i thought about looking into PerMa or SkyRe but i ended up going with a lot of other smaller mods
The big problem with SkyRe is that it changes a lot of the game content and mechanics, so you'll need a backup if you want to remove the mod without messing up everything
yeah see i prefer a more modular setup where it's a lot easier to disable/enable stuff on Bethesda games
I understant totally, I had to delete and reinstall my game once because I messed up something with a graphic overhaul mod XD
I just download houses and businesses and pretend that im funding the stormcloak rebellion. .n.

redguard merchant - starting as warrior/archer w/ boosted sneak (cause i like to cheese lol)
i'll get a cap later but i pseudo-inadvertently made Brad Armstrong from LISA in skyrim

but in the interest of minmaxing he's actually a breton lol
I love to be an overpowered mage but when you One shot a Millenial Dragon on the max difficulty it gets boring pretty quick lol