- Guildcard
- 42017744
Sorry for the wait! We found a few bugs that took some time to iron out.
Fixed the missing drop data for Episode 2 Dark Belra/Indi Belra in the target window's "Show mob drop" feature.
Added The Gloom Spire to the "Sandbox Only" category in Episode 2. This is a new and challenging Tower quest created by @Esther with very high monster counts. As the quest category implies, this quest is restricted to Sandbox mode and can be found at the bottom of the Episode 2 quest list in Sandbox mode.
Commander Blade's bonus to team members in the same party was fixed. While this weapon is equipped by the team leader, all players in the party who are members of the same team will receive +20 ATA. Commander Blade was broken on Ephinea because we did not properly fill out team information in some packets. Many thanks to Fuzziqer for detailing the fix!
Added "NUMPAD SHORTCUTS" option to page 3 of the launcher's options. When enabled, this option rebinds the number pad to be the same keys as the 1-0 hotbar. This allows using these keys for shortcuts. NOTE: When enabled, these keys cannot be used for other binds in Keyboard Config.
Added a new page to the launcher's options. This page contains some options related to gameplay and input.
The first option is "AUTO DETECT ACTIVE GAMEPAD." When enabled, the game will swap to a different gamepad if the previously active gamepad has been inactive for more than a second. The swap will occur when a button is pressed on the other gamepad.
The next option is "USE XINPUT FOR GAMEPAD." When enabled, the game will use XInput instead of DirectInput for gamepads. XInput has some benefits such as enabling the left and right triggers on compatible controllers, and XInput also detects new controllers connected after the game is started. This option requires Windows 8 or later. Your controller must be XInput compatible--some controllers like DualShock 4 and 5 are not. I tested DS4 when launching PSOBB.exe as a non-Steam game through Steam, and it appeared to work with XInput.
If your gamepad's binds differ significantly between DInput and XInput, you can disconnect your pad while connecting, reset gamepad controls to default, and then reconnect it to setup your gamepad binds in the "Pad button config" menu.
When XInput is enabled, some additional behavior can be configured with sliders below the button. PSO still imposes some limits to axis snapping.
Added an "Item Pickup and Photon Blast Usage" category to the launcher. Many thanks to Fuzziqer for the patch location of Item Pickup. Check the tooltips for more information on each option. If you choose to use this option, it is strongly recommended you enable at least two of these options and test in sandbox or free field Forest with boxes at the start. The game will do its best attempt to detect invalid configurations and revert to the original behavior, but there is no way to disable the patches while the client is running. Note that the Item Pickup behavior does not apply in Pioneer 2 or the Lab.
Additionally, the ALT key option may cause your character to enter an emote animation while playing. This option is probably better fit for a secondary or backup choice.
When you select the "HOLD GAMEPAD BUTTON" option, the bottom item in Options > Pad button config will change. This is where you can set the pad button for enabling Item Pickup or PBs.
If you encounter any issues with XInput, detection of active gamepad, or the Pickup/PB patches, please disable all of these. The game will revert to vanilla behavior and remove all of these patches if all options are disabled.
Added two sliders to change Menu Scroll behavior. The tooltips provide more info. It is recommended you make small adjustments at first. Large adjustments will likely make the game difficult to play. Note that these apply to both keyboard and gamepad inputs, and that the keyboard frame counters might not match exactly. This appears to be due to how the Operating System sends repeat keys to the game. Defaults are 6 for delay and 5 for interval. PSO on Xbox used 6 and 1, and it's likely that PSO on Gamecube did too.
Fixed a rare bug with "ENHANCED MAP DRAW" that could affect some enemy AI when their targets were closer to a different room marker. This was noticeable with some Zus in Episode 4.
Fixed a very rare bug with the destructible object DMC fix where sometimes the object will destruct/break without unlocking a switch.
Added unitxt support for the "Drop:" text in the target window and also for the changed menu item in Pad button config. If your unitxt file does not contain these strings (because your launcher may be set to CUSTOM in the top right), the game will use a hardcoded English string instead.
I think that's all. Let us know if you encounter any issues and feel free to provide any feedback on the changes in this update.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Estherさん作の新クエスト「The Gloom Spire」を追加しました。こちらはEP2のサンドボックスモードでのみ受注可能な、非常に多くのモンスターが出現する高難易度の制御塔クエストです。
XInputでは互換性のあるコントローラではL, Rのトリガーを有効化できたり、新しく接続したコントローラを認識できるなどの利点があります。
またDualShock 4 / 5はXInputに対応していないため、別途ラッパープログラムが必要になります。参考までに、PSOBB.exeをSteam経由で起動すると、DS4でもXInputで動作することが確認できています。
「ゲームパッドボタンを押し続ける」オプションでは、オプション> パッドコンフィグの最下部の項目が変更されます。ここで、アイテムピックアップまたはPBを有効にするパッドボタンを設定できます。
Fixed the missing drop data for Episode 2 Dark Belra/Indi Belra in the target window's "Show mob drop" feature.
Added The Gloom Spire to the "Sandbox Only" category in Episode 2. This is a new and challenging Tower quest created by @Esther with very high monster counts. As the quest category implies, this quest is restricted to Sandbox mode and can be found at the bottom of the Episode 2 quest list in Sandbox mode.
Commander Blade's bonus to team members in the same party was fixed. While this weapon is equipped by the team leader, all players in the party who are members of the same team will receive +20 ATA. Commander Blade was broken on Ephinea because we did not properly fill out team information in some packets. Many thanks to Fuzziqer for detailing the fix!
Added "NUMPAD SHORTCUTS" option to page 3 of the launcher's options. When enabled, this option rebinds the number pad to be the same keys as the 1-0 hotbar. This allows using these keys for shortcuts. NOTE: When enabled, these keys cannot be used for other binds in Keyboard Config.
Added a new page to the launcher's options. This page contains some options related to gameplay and input.
The first option is "AUTO DETECT ACTIVE GAMEPAD." When enabled, the game will swap to a different gamepad if the previously active gamepad has been inactive for more than a second. The swap will occur when a button is pressed on the other gamepad.
The next option is "USE XINPUT FOR GAMEPAD." When enabled, the game will use XInput instead of DirectInput for gamepads. XInput has some benefits such as enabling the left and right triggers on compatible controllers, and XInput also detects new controllers connected after the game is started. This option requires Windows 8 or later. Your controller must be XInput compatible--some controllers like DualShock 4 and 5 are not. I tested DS4 when launching PSOBB.exe as a non-Steam game through Steam, and it appeared to work with XInput.
If your gamepad's binds differ significantly between DInput and XInput, you can disconnect your pad while connecting, reset gamepad controls to default, and then reconnect it to setup your gamepad binds in the "Pad button config" menu.
When XInput is enabled, some additional behavior can be configured with sliders below the button. PSO still imposes some limits to axis snapping.
Added an "Item Pickup and Photon Blast Usage" category to the launcher. Many thanks to Fuzziqer for the patch location of Item Pickup. Check the tooltips for more information on each option. If you choose to use this option, it is strongly recommended you enable at least two of these options and test in sandbox or free field Forest with boxes at the start. The game will do its best attempt to detect invalid configurations and revert to the original behavior, but there is no way to disable the patches while the client is running. Note that the Item Pickup behavior does not apply in Pioneer 2 or the Lab.
Additionally, the ALT key option may cause your character to enter an emote animation while playing. This option is probably better fit for a secondary or backup choice.
When you select the "HOLD GAMEPAD BUTTON" option, the bottom item in Options > Pad button config will change. This is where you can set the pad button for enabling Item Pickup or PBs.
If you encounter any issues with XInput, detection of active gamepad, or the Pickup/PB patches, please disable all of these. The game will revert to vanilla behavior and remove all of these patches if all options are disabled.
Added two sliders to change Menu Scroll behavior. The tooltips provide more info. It is recommended you make small adjustments at first. Large adjustments will likely make the game difficult to play. Note that these apply to both keyboard and gamepad inputs, and that the keyboard frame counters might not match exactly. This appears to be due to how the Operating System sends repeat keys to the game. Defaults are 6 for delay and 5 for interval. PSO on Xbox used 6 and 1, and it's likely that PSO on Gamecube did too.
Fixed a rare bug with "ENHANCED MAP DRAW" that could affect some enemy AI when their targets were closer to a different room marker. This was noticeable with some Zus in Episode 4.
Fixed a very rare bug with the destructible object DMC fix where sometimes the object will destruct/break without unlocking a switch.
Added unitxt support for the "Drop:" text in the target window and also for the changed menu item in Pad button config. If your unitxt file does not contain these strings (because your launcher may be set to CUSTOM in the top right), the game will use a hardcoded English string instead.
I think that's all. Let us know if you encounter any issues and feel free to provide any feedback on the changes in this update.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Estherさん作の新クエスト「The Gloom Spire」を追加しました。こちらはEP2のサンドボックスモードでのみ受注可能な、非常に多くのモンスターが出現する高難易度の制御塔クエストです。
XInputでは互換性のあるコントローラではL, Rのトリガーを有効化できたり、新しく接続したコントローラを認識できるなどの利点があります。
またDualShock 4 / 5はXInputに対応していないため、別途ラッパープログラムが必要になります。参考までに、PSOBB.exeをSteam経由で起動すると、DS4でもXInputで動作することが確認できています。
「ゲームパッドボタンを押し続ける」オプションでは、オプション> パッドコンフィグの最下部の項目が変更されます。ここで、アイテムピックアップまたはPBを有効にするパッドボタンを設定できます。
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