Server maintenance completed for December 6th, 2022 (12/6 サーバメンテナンス完了)


Staff member
Apologies for the wait with this maintenance. With today's maintenance, the following changes took place.
  • A new version of ephinea.dll was uploaded with some small bug fixes.
  • The Hunter's Boost Road changed to
    • Anomalous Ordeal #1
    • Sweep-up Operation #5
    • Penumbral Surge #2
    • Sweep-up Operation #14
  • Anomalous Ordeal #3, #4, and #5 were added to the server. You can find these quests in Episode 2 → Extermination.
    • These quests are also available in Japanese. Many thanks to @Gori for the translations!
    • Wiki pages with details about the random spawn generation will be created later.
  • Dark Research 2.0 was removed from the server for constantly exceeding server norms for quests.
  • Server drop charts were changed. You can find details below with the changes.
  • All existing characters were granted one use of /modsecid. Note that these do not stack--if you had an unused one before, you still have one now.
Unless specified otherwise, every change is for Ultimate difficulty.


Barble: Heart of Daisy Chain (1/8,623 → 1/12,318)
Merikle: Soul Banish → Heart of Chameleon Scythe (1/3,150)


Gal Gryphon: Heart of Rabbit Wand (1/128 → 1/186)
Deldepth: Aura Field → Heart of Egg Blaster (1/6,301)


Pan Arms (E1): P-arm's Arms → Heart of Flamberge (1/4,045)
Saint-Milion: Laconium Axe → Heart of Laconium Axe (1/128)
Merissa AA: Heart of The Sigh of a God → Flamberge (1/2)

Very Hard Merissa AA: Photon Crystal → Heart of The Sigh of a God (1/22)


Merlan (E1): Red Scorpio (1/900) → Guardianna (1/900)
Del-D (E1): Guardianna (1/900) → Heaven Striker (1/5,851)
Baranz (E2): Heart of Crazy Tune → Heart of Soul Banish (1/6,553)

Normal Hildeblue (E2): Trigrinder (1/0 → 7/8)


Gran Sorcerer (E2): Pioneer Parts → Ignition Cloak (1/1,638)


Gulgus (E1): Gae Bolg → Heart of Angel Harp (1/13,653)
Del Lily: Heart of Lollipop (1/6,687 → 1/8,511)


Gal Gryphon: Heart of Rabbit Wand → Heart of Ruby Bullet (1/186)


Goran Detonator: Heart of Plantain Huge Fan → Lieutenant Mantle (1/731)

Very Hard Goran Detonator: Heavenly Legs → Heart of Plantain Huge Fan (1/6,687)
Very Hard Dark Belra (E2): Silence Claw → Heart of Ancient Saber (1/6,687)


Pan Arms (E1): Heart of Tension Blaster (1/5,601 → 1/4,045)
Sinow Blue: Lame d'Argent (1/3,034 → 1/3,900)

Very Hard Delsaber (E2): Magic Rock "Moola" → Heart of Delsaber's Buster (1/6,553)


Sinow Zoa: Diska of Braveman → Heaven Striker (1/2,275)
Morfos: Yunchang → Sting Tip (1/213)
Pyro Goran: Ignition Cloak (1/1,671) → Pioneer Parts (1/1,950)

We'll keep an eye on these drop chart changes for a while.

The Christmas event will likely be starting around this weekend and thank you for playing on Ephinea!

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  • ephinea.dllを更新し、いくつかの細かなバグを修正しました。
  • HBRを変更しました。
    • 変異性試練 #1
    • スイープアップ作戦 #5
    • 幻日の渦中に #2
    • スイープアップ作戦 #14
  • 新規のクエストとして変異性試練 #3, #4, #5が追加されました。
    • EP2→殲滅カテゴリから受けることができます。
    • これらのクエストは日本語にも対応しています。(文責Gori)
    • ランダム沸きの詳細については、後日Wikiにページを作成する予定です。
  • Dark Research 2.0はクエストのバランスとしてサーバの基準値を超えているため、削除されました。
  • サーバのドロップチャートを変更しました。変更点については、下記を参照してください。
    • 変更に伴い、すべての既存のキャラクターは/modsecidを1回使用できるようになりました。既存の変更権を保留していても1回のみですので、その点ご注意ください。


バーブル: デイジーチェインの心(1/8,623 → 1/12,318)
メリクル: ソウルバニッシュ → カメレオンサイズの心 (1/3,150)


ガル・グリフォン: ラビットウォンドの心 (1/128 → 1/186)
デルデプス: オーラフィールド → エッグブラスターの心 (1/6,301)


パンアームズ (E1): パンアームズの両手 → フランベルジュの心 (1/4,045)
サンテミリオン: ラコニウムアクス → ラコニウムアクスの心 (1/128)
メリッサ・エー・エー: 神の吐息の心 → フランベルジュ (1/2)

ベリーハード メリッサ・エー・エー: フォトンクリスタル → 神の吐息の心 (1/22)


メラン (E1): レッドスコルピオ (1/900) → ガディアンナ (1/900)
デルディー (E1): ガディアンナ (1/900) → ヘブンストライカー (1/5,851)
バランゾ (E2): クレイジーチューンの心 → ソウルバニッシュの心 (1/6,553)

Normal ヒルデブルー (E2): トリグラインダー (1/0 → 7/8)


グランソーサラー (E2): パイオニアのパーツ → イグニションクローク (1/1,638)


グルグス (E1): ガエボルグ → エンジェルハープの心 (1/13,653)
デルリリー: ロリポップの心 (1/6,687 → 1/8,511)


ガル・グリフォン: ラビットウォンドの心 → ルビーバレットの心 (1/186)


ゴラン・デトナータ: バショウセンの心 → 空間機動歩兵中尉外套 (1/731)

ベリーハード ゴラン・デトナータ: ヘブンリー/レグス → バショウセンの心 (1/6,687)
ベリーハード ダークベルラ (E2): サイレンスクロー → アンシエントセイバーの心 (1/6,687)


パンアームズ (E1): テンションブラスターの心 (1/5,601 → 1/4,045)
シノワブルー: ラムダージャン (1/3,034 → 1/3,900)

ベリーハード デルセイバー (E2): 輝石「ムーラ」 → デルセイバーの剣の心 (1/6,553)


シノワゾア: 勇者のディスカ → ヘブンストライカー (1/2,275)
モルフォス: 雲長 → スティングティップ (1/213)
ピロゴラン: イグニションクローク (1/1,671) → パイオニアのパーツ (1/1,950)


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Okay, new quests is awesome. Drop changes and new hearts are interesting and will be fun to explore. Thank you for continuing to grow the server.

I would like to ask, hopefully without derailing the much awaited new drop table thread, is there any possibility of a new “historical” or “retired” or even “hall of shame” quest category being added, with all removed quests available but no exp and no drops?

Part of the charm of the game is being able to go explore all of the quests, even the jank ones. Each quest is part of the history of the game and not being able to go play them, having missed out on the opportunity, kinda sucks. Removing quests that are too strong, or that don’t fit the flavor of the server, absolutely makes sense. But I would love to still be able to play them in my own time someday just to see how far we’ve come. ❤️
I would like to ask, hopefully without derailing the much awaited new drop table thread, is there any possibility of a new “historical” or “retired” or even “hall of shame” quest category being added, with all removed quests available but no exp and no drops?
A Hall of Jank doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually. Lol.

Not sure what the others think about it.
April fools event replace all quests with deleted quests and unlock DF for one day when
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Okay, new quests is awesome. Drop changes and new hearts are interesting and will be fun to explore. Thank you for continuing to grow the server.

I would like to ask, hopefully without derailing the much awaited new drop table thread, is there any possibility of a new “historical” or “retired” or even “hall of shame” quest category being added, with all removed quests available but no exp and no drops?

Part of the charm of the game is being able to go explore all of the quests, even the jank ones. Each quest is part of the history of the game and not being able to go play them, having missed out on the opportunity, kinda sucks. Removing quests that are too strong, or that don’t fit the flavor of the server, absolutely makes sense. But I would love to still be able to play them in my own time someday just to see how far we’ve come. ❤️
This would be amazing! Though we dont farm it for drops cause theres others that are easier and are in HBR, we have had fun playing DR 2.0. In our nightly server VC we discussed the same thing just the other day!
I like this idea, but some, NOT ALL, of the quests deemed too OP or imbalanced still had a lot of work put into them, and some were very old. So maybe call the category "Historical Quests" or "Retired Quests" instead of "Hall of Shame." I think it would be hurtful for someone who spent time and effort making quests, far before the current standards were implemented, to see their work being mocked. We wouldn't be here now without [some] of their efforts. Thanks.

Edit: Ah, @redria7 said this already. Thx :3
That idea's actually awesome. Maybe call them "Legacy" with a bigass notice on the quest category that it has no EXP/drops, just so people don't play it on accident.
I rarely play for drops anyway but these especially were a nice change of pace. Sometimes you just wanna do something funky in a game you love, y'know.
I'm all for it.
I know there are a number of people that seriously enjoy some of the very questionable quest content this server has cycled through during its uptime. I'm not talking about abusing drops either (Although I'm sure this mass was more in favor of why the quests were 'fun'). Having a way to have that up with those big stipulations would be a great way to not worry about daunting quests that interfere with balance. Only thing I guess that would be tracked would be things like /Killcount and rare enemies (Not that they would mean much with drops disabled).

Certainly wouldn't mind seeing it, myself. Especially since it would be catering to the option of availability. Would look weird, sure, but it wouldn't REALLY be hurting anything.
I know there are a number of people that seriously enjoy some of the very questionable quest content this server has cycled through during its uptime. I'm not talking about abusing drops either (Although I'm sure this mass was more in favor of why the quests were 'fun'). Having a way to have that up with those big stipulations would be a great way to not worry about daunting quests that interfere with balance. Only thing I guess that would be tracked would be things like /Killcount and rare enemies (Not that they would mean much with drops disabled).

Certainly wouldn't mind seeing it, myself. Especially since it would be catering to the option of availability. Would look weird, sure, but it wouldn't REALLY be hurting anything.

That's a good point. If someone is using this JUST for kill count, which is a very limited section of the game's economy (item unsealing), while giving up all EXP and other drops, perhaps that's a fair trade. Or if someone REALLY wants to be on top of the "enemies killed" leaderboard at the expense of giving up literally everything else, knock yourself out, I say :p

As far as EVENTS that require a kill count (ie. Summer Anniversary Event), the Archived quests could simply be disabled during those events. (Assuming it wasn't an easy fix to prevent their kills from being added to the total; I have no idea.)
Well i think at the very least RTA players would enjoy this mechanic. Maybe then they could also add other “jenk” quests from other servers as well (with exp and/or drops disabled)
MMM, respecting the new changes all good except for the drop rate decreased chance, particularly lame yelloboze mines.

I dont see the point of playing old quests if there is no reward for It . No exp, no drop NO Game. People would find It as lack of fun like classic Mode. Time has given the reason to a friend of mine that told me classic is mostly death since no people play It. Mostly 12 or 8.

I am sorry to oppose your good ideas
I know there are a number of people that seriously enjoy some of the very questionable quest content this server has cycled through during its uptime. I'm not talking about abusing drops either (Although I'm sure this mass was more in favor of why the quests were 'fun'). Having a way to have that up with those big stipulations would be a great way to not worry about daunting quests that interfere with balance. Only thing I guess that would be tracked would be things like /Killcount and rare enemies (Not that they would mean much with drops disabled).

Certainly wouldn't mind seeing it, myself. Especially since it would be catering to the option of availability. Would look weird, sure, but it wouldn't REALLY be hurting anything.
They should have kill count and everything turned off. Like they are literally there just for fun or historical value.