Server maintenance completed for August 12th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 8/12)


Staff member
Server maintenance has completed and the 9th Anniversary Event is now live!

Today's update contained many changes to the game and the server. New items were added to the game. If your launcher is set to CUSTOM in the top right, your unitxt file will not be automatically updated and the names of items will be wrong in your game. You can resolve this by updating your unitxt file manually or by setting your launcher to English or Japanese in the top right.

Fixed the map collision checks for the analog camera. This should prevent the camera from easily going out of bounds.

Fixed the right analog stick's up and down inputs not working for the new lobby warp list.

Implemented full support for omnispawns in the client and server. These changes enable monsters in nearly any area and cross-episode quests. Note that parts of these changes are always active. Let us know if you observe any broken enemy behavior, attacks, or missing particles. Many thanks to Esc and the Blue Burst Patch Project for parts of the client patches dealing with the battle params.

Added six new weapon hearts.
  • Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber (030E5B) and Heart of Partisan of Lightning (030E62)
    • Can be used on Vivienne.
    • The TypeDS/D.Saber skin can be recolored with Photon Filters.
  • Heart of Partisan of Lightning (030E62) - Can be applied to Vivienne.
  • Heart of TypeSS/Swords (030E5C)
    • Can be used on any of Musashi, Asuka, Sange & Yasha, and Jizai.
    • These weapons can be recolored with Photon FIlters.
  • Heart of Blade Dance (030E5D), Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop (030E5E), and Heart of Twin Chakram (030E5F)
    • Can be used on Daylight Scar.
    • The Twin Chakram skin can be recolored with Photon Filters.
Implemented two new platings for Red Ring: Gear Plating (030E59) and Ragol Plating (030E5A). These platings will be added to the Forge soon.

Implemented Divine Filter (030E60) and Lock-on Filter (030E61). These are filters for Heaven Punisher, Mille Marteaux, and their skins, that enable the weapon to always have a set special attack, regardless of beat time. These filters will be added to the Forge soon.

Today's update also contained a drop chart update. The new weapon hearts were added to the drop charts and we rebalanced a few drops. The changes are listed below.
  • Viridia - Crimson Assassin (E1) - Shouren -> V101 (1/2291)
  • Viridia - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Cure/Confuse (1/853)
  • Greenill - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Kasami Bracer (1/853)
  • Skyly - Dorphon - Lame d'Argent -> Electro Frame (1/1,024)
  • Skyly - Dorphon Eclair - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou -> Liberta Kit (1/4)
  • Skyly - Goran Detonator - Liberta Kit -> Lame d'Argent (1/1,462)
  • Bluefull - Pouilly Slime (Very Hard) - HP/Revival -> Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop (1/9.85)
  • Bluefull - Gol Dragon (Very Hard) - Guilty Light -> Heart of Blade Dance (1/64)
  • Redria - Gulgus-gue (E1) - God/Mind -> Heart of Twin Chakram (1/14564)
  • Oran - Melqueek - HP/Revival -> Heart of TypeSS/Swords (1/13653)
  • Oran - Dark Gunner - Morning Glory -> Heart of Partisan of Lightning (1/6068)
  • Yellowboze - Sinow Blue - Lame d'Argent -> Maser Beam (1/2731)
  • Yellowboze - Sinow Red - S-red's Arms -> Lame d'Argent (1/1654)
  • Yellowboze - Dolmdarl - Stink Frame -> Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber (1/14404)
Because of the drop chart changes, all characters received a single use of /modsecid. Note that these do not stack--if you had one before, you still have only one now.

This was a big update. Let us know if you encounter any issues.

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄




クライアント側とサーバ側にオムニスポーンのフル機能を実装しました。この変更により、ほぼすべてのエリアでエピソードを跨いだエネミーを出現させられるようになります。敵の挙動や攻撃、パーティクルの欠落など、何らかの不具合があればお知らせください。これらの機能の実装に関して、EscさんとBlue Burst Patch Projectに多大なる感謝を申し上げます。

  • TypeDS/D.Saberの心(030E5B)
    • ヴィヴィアンに使用できます。
    • スキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。
  • 迅雷の心(030E62)
    • ヴィヴィアンに使用できます。
  • TypeSS/Swordsの心(030E5C)
    • ムサシ。アスカ、サンゲシャシャ、自在のいずれかに使用できます。
    • スキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。
  • ブレイドダンスの心(030E5D)
  • 秋子飯店の中華鍋の心(030E5E)
  • ツインチャクラムの心(030E5F)
    • 上記の3種はデイライトスカーに使用可能です。
    • ツインチャクラムのスキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。


  • Viridia - クリムゾンアサシン (E1) - 青蓮 -> V101 (1/2291)
  • Viridia - シノワブルー - V101 -> キュア/コンフューズ (1/853)
  • Greenill - シノワブルー - V101 -> カザミノコテ (1/853)
  • Skyly - ドルフォン - ラムダージャン -> エレクトロフレーム (1/1024)
  • Skyly - ドルフォン・エクレール - 紺糸威紫塗桶側二枚胴 -> リベルタキット (1/4)
  • Skyly - ゴラン・デトナータ - リベルタキット -> ラムダージャン (1/1462)
  • Bluefull - プイィスライム (Very Hard) - HP/リバイバル -> 秋子飯店の中華鍋の心 (1/9.85)
  • Bluefull -ゴル・ドラゴン (Very Hard) - ギルティライト -> ブレイドダンスの心 (1/64)
  • Redria - グルグス・グー (E1) - ゴッド/マインド -> ツインチャクラムの心 (1/14564)
  • Oran - メルクィーク - HP/リバイバル -> TypeSS/Swordsの心 (1/13653)
  • Oran - ダークガンナー - モーニンググローリー -> 迅雷の心 (1/6068)
  • Yellowboze - シノワブルー - ラムダージャン -> メーザービーム (1/2731)
  • Yellowboze - シノワレッド - シノワレッドの両手 -> ラムダージャン (1/1654)
  • Yellowboze - ドルムダール - 匂う盾 -> TypeDS/D.Saberの心 (1/14404)

Wow what a truly tremendous update. You guys never cease to amaze me with the insane QoL updates you provide. Really taking us into the future with this one…

Unlocking DP is so great. It will be so nice to just be able to DP indefinitely ESPECIALLY because of the DMC update lol

It really makes sense now why you guys removed the Type/DS after accidentally adding it that one Christmas lol. Seeing these series of “Type” as weapon hearts means we can basically customize our photon colors fully assuming maybe more will be added to the series in future updates possibly... Still hoping one day we can use photon filters on common weaps somehow but idk if there might be a restriction there!

And last but certainly not least is the thing with omnispawns! Really reminds me of what SEGA was thinking adding ep 1 normal mode monsters as “new” monsters in episode 2 when they made episode 2. I always liked to imagine an “episode 5” where the unused normal monsters like boomas, evil sharks etc, could be repurposed for ultimate content. We are going to see some epic quests in the future now atleast forsure!

Thank you guys so much and I look forward to the next 10 (ish) years of this game. Ephinea is the only game I’ve played for the last 5+ years and NOTHING comes close!!
Viridia - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Cure/Confuse (1/853)
Greenill - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Kasami Bracer (1/853)
Skyly - Dorphon Eclair - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou -> Liberta Kit (1/4)

And now three of my characters are useless. I created Greenill specifically for V101 from Sinow Blue.
What is the point of Kasami Bracer in drop table from Canune and Sinow Blue at the same time for Greenill?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand all these changes to the ultimate drop for the sake of useless skins. It's just my opinion and maybe I just didn't play enough to get bored with the standard appearance of the weapons.
Viridia - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Cure/Confuse (1/853)
Greenill - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Kasami Bracer (1/853)
Skyly - Dorphon Eclair - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou -> Liberta Kit (1/4)

And now three of my characters are useless. I created Greenill specifically for V101 from Sinow Blue.
What is the point of Kasami Bracer in drop table from Canune and Sinow Blue at the same time for Greenill?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand all these changes to the ultimate drop for the sake of useless skins. It's just my opinion and maybe I just didn't play enough to get bored with the standard appearance of the weapons.
Although new skins were added to the drop charts, all three changes you pointed out were made for unrelated balance reasons. These were balance changes that we've wanted to make for a while and adding new skins to the server is a good time to look at any balance problems with the drop charts simply because we're already changing the charts. And when we make major changes to the charts, we typically grant a use of /modsecid to all characters for exactly this reason.

V101 was added to Sinow Blues back in 2018 because EP1 was significantly lacking compared to EP2 and EP4. However, this was a mistake in hindsight because of combo hunts with Red Ring in TTF.

Skyly Dorphon was abusable when combined with Viridia having a Lame d'Argent drop from the rare version of the monster. This usually isn't too much of an issue, but it is a major problem during Christmas event because of one of the event quests. You could argue it's an issue with the event quest, and I would agree. But Skyly Desert seemed a little lacking and Detonators could use another hunt.

Your characters aren't useless. Every existing character was granted a use of /modsecid.

Maybe your Greenill character can hunt the new Viridia V101 drop? Or maybe your existing Viridia character can hunt the new Viridia V101 drop? And for BOVN, you can hunt it and Lame d'Argent together in Desert on the same ID, or you could change the character's ID to Oran if you really preferred hunting it from Dorphon Eclairs (Oran also has a Lame d'Argent drop from the rare version of the EP4 boss).
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Although new skins were added to the drop charts, all three changes you pointed out were made for unrelated balance reasons. These were balance changes that we've wanted to make for a while and adding new skins to the server is a good time to look at any balance problems with the drop charts simply because we're already changing the charts. And when we make major changes to the charts, we typically grant a use of /modsecid to all characters for exactly this reason.

V101 was added to Sinow Blues back in 2018 because EP1 was significantly lacking compared to EP2 and EP4. However, this was a mistake in hindsight because of combo hunts with Red Ring in TTF.

Skyly Dorphon was abusable when combined with Viridia having a Lame d'Argent drop from the rare version of the monster. This usually isn't too much of an issue, but it is a major problem during Christmas event because of one of the event quests. You could argue it's an issue with the event quest, and I would agree. But Skyly Desert seemed a little lacking and Detonators could use another hunt.

Your characters aren't useless. Every existing character was granted a use of /modsecid.

Maybe your Greenill character can hunt the new Viridia V101 drop? Or maybe your existing Viridia character can hunt the new Viridia V101 drop? And for BOVN, you can hunt it and Lame d'Argent together in Desert on the same ID, or you could change the character's ID to Oran if you really preferred hunting it from Dorphon Eclairs (Oran also has a Lame d'Argent drop from the rare version of the EP4 boss).
First of all, thanks for the answer.

Well, it's a pity that I haven't had a chance to play on this server since 2018)

I'm not a fan of changing IDs, and this will mean changing and shifting IDs on all my characters in this case and their complete revision and shuffling. This is not something I'm ready to do right now. Anyway, this is a great chance for me to move on and pay attention to something else.

And again, two Kasumi Bracers from different mobs on Greenill look strange to me. A V101 with a lower chance could have dropped out of the Canune. On the other hand, I've never heard of TTF combo hunting and have used Forsaken Friends or Lost SOUL BLADE. So I can't judge how big a problem it was.
It looks like dorphons are no longer desired monster to hunt (maybe sinow blues too), that's the bigger problem than making certain Id useless. just my two cents though.
Anyways, awesome update. can't wait for the new filter!
Viridia - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Cure/Confuse (1/853)
Greenill - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Kasami Bracer (1/853)
Skyly - Dorphon Eclair - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou -> Liberta Kit (1/4)

And now three of my characters are useless. I created Greenill specifically for V101 from Sinow Blue.
What is the point of Kasami Bracer in drop table from Canune and Sinow Blue at the same time for Greenill?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand all these changes to the ultimate drop for the sake of useless skins. It's just my opinion and maybe I just didn't play enough to get bored with the standard appearance of the weapons.
I’m not sure why you need to be hunting v101 to begin with? It’s an overrated item and most people only ever hunted it to sell for PeeDees. And if that’s what you want you are better off farming MA4C rappy resets for cash and raw PDs on Anguish 10 3 lol

It’s literally the exact same thing as a 1 PD item (heavenly/batt) plus the extra stats that usually don’t even matter because you can just can use some extra mats for most chars. DEF and EVP are pretty much useless stats and like half the cast doesn’t even get MST LOL

Yeah never really understood the hype besides maybe being part of a dual hunt like was mentioned. You pretty much never want to hunt units at all unless you are super poor and can’t afford to buy them. The main reason being is that your time is better off hunting basically ANYTHING that can drop with Hit% where hit matters lol.

All of that being said… Greenill is one of the best IDs in the game… You get v101 from Zu and Heaven Striker from Pyro Goran (arguably the most value to time item you can hunt in the game) and these both drop from the same areas in the same quests. Hardly a “useless” ID lol.

It looks like dorphons are no longer desired monster to hunt (maybe sinow blues too), that's the bigger problem than making certain Id useless. just my two cents though.
Anyways, awesome update. can't wait for the new filter!
No ID is useless. They literally all have something they can hunt more efficiently than any other ID still.

As for Dorphon’s… they aren’t completely shit. Viridia Tapeworm Eclair is one of the most efficient Lame hunts in the game during this event and Christmas.
In this case, I don't mean 'useless ID' is completely no point to make. I'm pretty sure every ID has good point, Its just sad nerfing certain ID and make it less worthwhile, and It kills meta and choices of quests. Especially Lame d'Argent this time.
In this case, I don't mean 'useless ID' is completely no point to make. I'm pretty sure every ID has good point, Its just sad nerfing certain ID and make it less worthwhile, and It kills meta and choices of quests. Especially Lame d'Argent this time.
Well in this case they nerfed skyly Dorphon… this was never too meta lol, namely because skyly crater kind of sucks otherwise haha.

The main reason for the nerf was because people did an “exploit” when you “dual-id” hunt where the first person was skyly and the second person is viridia and you spam CF4 or MAE:Crater. If Dorphon eclair appears then you disconnect the skyly account and then the game becomes viridia so it can drop lame from the viridia ID.

As far as dual id rare mob hunts I think this was the most notable use of the “exploit”. I guess they found this strategy to be overpowered… thus the nerf.

But all in all skyly Dorphon was a terrible hunt if you weren’t doing that strategy lol.
Unlocking DP is so great. It will be so nice to just be able to DP indefinitely ESPECIALLY because of the DMC update lol
Another step away from the PSO we all grew up with.

Sorry to be negative. But I hope you see where I'm coming from here.
Ephinea is gradually step-by-step straying from it's original concept.

Weapons/equips that look like other weapons/equipment? Yeah, that's ok. Definitely not going to be confusing (especially for newer members) .
Not even to mention weapons that behave differently from vanilla.

Just saying.

Sorry, I know even just pointing that out is going to get some peoples panties in a bunch.

Honestly, I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just saying that (like it or not) things are starting to get a bit weird.
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I think the idea behind this change was that weapons based off the beat system are a dumb idea because only a certain group of people who play at a specific time of the day in a specific timezone would be able to benefit.

Removing the limitation lets everyone use the item more equally.

Of course, there could have been an item made like a Chrono Inverter or something to swap beat times for a weapon instead, but then people would have to keep both (or multiple types) of an item to either play any time they wanted or for value purposes for trading or something like that… so probably just better to make it fair for all.
I don’t think game mechanics were necessarily changed here, more like a restriction removed.

And I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing, probably because you cannot see outside of your small bubble of a world.

A lot of players are older now. They may have family, children to take care of, hectic jobs and so on and so forth. They may not have the luxury of adjusting their play time around 144 minute windows (based on hundreds digit of Swatch Beats) so they can play their most optimally.

But, yeah, feel free to feel some type of way about other people enjoying the game.
I understand your logic, but why was it a problem for people to choose the time they play?
Did it negatively affect the server?

I would imagine that the majority of people play regardless of beat time.

Did it negatively affect the server enough to warrant changing the game?

The problem is that people actually can't always choose when they play, which is why Galatine was complete garbage for a large portion of the player base. Being able to "choose" your job+sleep or Galatine is a problem. Divine Punishment, while less restrictive, still falls into the same problem if you aren't using a Heaven Striker setup (arguably MM is just kinda ass regardless, but I digress...)

The last part of your post is silly, sort of like blacklisting people for the Sinow Red in TTF, and also kind of wrong anyway, since that was your vision, not Ephinea's.

<Ephinea is a PSOBB server that aims to replicate the official SEGA experience, while also adding quality of life changes alongside extra features to spice up PSO and give it more of a modern feel.>

DP being available always instead of even beats only does not change the game in a fundamental way and is 100% QoL.
Hey everyone,

Been some time since I read what's going on here. This looks like an amazing update so far! I see two new skins that'll work on Vivienne, but won't on Black King Bar? Or maybe I've misread, been one of those days.

Either way, if I wasn't so darn invested in The First Descendant atm I probably would've played this anniversary event.

Thanks again for keeping this server up and running for such a long time! Much appreciated!