SeeWoods Junk ;) closed for now

I guess I can get God/Battle. And I'll take every free thing you'll give me with it, too.
ill be in room named rambling may.
I guess I can get God/Battle. And I'll take every free thing you'll give me with it, too.
Ok the God battle is yours and i will hook you up with a few other things. Ill be online tomorrow morning. Im working right now.
I'm leaving in a few minutes but I can try to get on really quick.

Edit: what room are you in?

Edit2: I'm in a room called Miku's room. If you join that room before I need to leave, I'd be happy to do the trade.

Edit3: Sorry leaving now. Be back later.
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I'm back if you're online now or going to be soon I'd still really like that god/battle.
Is Miku your online name? ill look for you real quick. Ill be online first thing around 8am. I work really long hours. Dont worry too, the Gbattle is reserved for you. ill get to you as soon as i can
I have more than one character. One of them is Miku but you'll probably find me as a character named Robowser. I work on most weekdays so you can only find me around 5-10pm Pacific time, except on weekends or days off.

Edit: Or I can try to get on right now real quick if you want.