S> V801, 45N Excalibur, Adept, Updated 9/27


I accept
4 TP mats = 1PD
1.5 luck mats = 1PD
1 PC = 1.5PD
1 PS = 90PD (and you can get PDs in change if you need them)
2 Eggs = 1PD

The prices:
V801 - 10PD
Adept - 30 PD
Heavenly/Battle - 3PD
God/Battle - 1PD
Whitill Card - 0/0/0/0/0 - 3PD
Sacred Cloth [50/50 | 13/20] [0S] - Offer (I really don't know)
Sawcer [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|55] - idk like about 2PD
Angry Fist [0/0/55/0|0] - idk like about 4PD
Untekked - Red Saber [15/75/0/0|0] - LOL I guess 1PD
Star Amplifier x4 - 2PD Each
Red Saber +78 [90/25/0/0|0] - 9PD
Monkey King Bar [30/15/0/0|25] - 6PD
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/0|0] - 7PD
Excalibur [45/0/0/0|0] - 55PD
Tyrell's Parasol [0/0/0/15|20] - 5PD

I have tons more stuff, see https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/mikus-sale-updated-9-25-2017.7588/ for more of my stuff, these are just some of the highlights so you don't have to go digging for them.
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