S> Units, weapons, items and more!


Ultimate Presents x4 5 PDs each
Coal x 45 5 PDs total
Blue-Black Stone 43 pds

Power Mats x99. 5pd for all
Mind Mats x99. 5pd for all
Evade Mats x99. 5pd for all
Def Mats x99 5pd for all

Limiter 28 pd
Limiter. 28pd
V801. 7 pd
V501. 3 pd

Heaven Striker (0/0/15/0/15) 23 pd
Hell Rifle (0/0/0/0/70) 15 pd
Disks of Braveman (0/0/15/0/25) 2 pd
Disks of Braveman (0/25/0/0/25) 2 pd
Stag Cutlery (45/0/0/0/30) 1pd
Charge TypeSH/shot (0/0/0/0/40) 4 pd
Berserk TypeSH/shot (0/0/0/0/40). 4 pd
Charge TypeME/Mechgun 5 pd
Demon Laser (0/0/0/0/50) 2 pd
Ohpelie Seize (35/0/15/0/15) 2 pd

Stealth Kit. 4 pd
Heart of YN-0117 2 pd
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Hi man, I returned to PSO after 20 years and today I saw, that I can't find mechguns find my fraction color (blue)... Do you may have a Red Mechgun to share for something (Grinder, materials, ...)?

BTW, what is pd as a payment?

Thank you!
Hi man, I returned to PSO after 20 years and today I saw, that I can't find mechguns find my fraction color (blue)... Do you may have a Red Mechgun to share for something (Grinder, materials, ...)?

BTW, what is pd as a payment?

Thank you!
I do not have other colored machguns for sale sadly. Just the white mechguns that shoot blue energy.

But PDs (photon drops) are rare drops that a lot of players use to trade in PSO. Photon drops are dropped from just about every enemy in the game on all difficulties.

I do have materials for sale to boost your character stats tho if you are interested?
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