S/T> DoB 0/30/20/0 | 95H


DoB is now up for grabs.


I will be selling this for a mixture of my personal wants, other items offered by you, and PDs, for a total around 9500 PD value.

Here are some items that I would want in addition to PD offers. (Will add more items possibly as they come to mind)

Excal 40+ Hit - 1500+
2x 70H+ DoB (prefer matching set) - 1600+ each
2x Dark Flow 75H+ (prefer matching set) - 1100+ each
Slicer of Fanatic 55+ Hit - 650+
Snow Queen/Frozen Shooter 50+ Hit - 1250+
2x Charge Arms 70+ Hit - 750+ each
Charge Vulcan 65+ Hit - 750+ each
Heaven Striker 40+ Hit - 1200+
Cannon Rouge 50+ Hit - 500+
Hell Raygun 75+ Hit - 500+
Demon's Raygun 75+ Hit - 150+
M&A60 Vise 65+ Hit - 700+
Jizai 45+ Hit - 300+
Vjaya 60+ Hit - 350+
Tsumikiri J-Sword - 250
L&K38 Combat 50+ Hit - 300+

**Must be a mix of items on my list, other items you offer that I agree to, and a PD mixture if needed**

**Items on my list will take priority**

If you have a nice item that isn't on my list - PLEASE post it with what you value it at. Otherwise, I will use the Wiki PG very loosely to value it.

Also, keep in mind the values I have next to my list are not hard set - just my personal rough estimates.

Feel free to DM me here or on Discord to discuss further if needed.


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