S> spots to participate in 12 Virida EP4 cookie runs for 7 PDs each [DONE]

A Man in Flames

30K Gi Gue Slayer

I've got 12 cookies I plan to use on Viridia EP4 runs.

UPDATE EDIT: All spots filled, roster below. Will accept back up reservations in case any below calls out or does not show up.

1. Myself as RAmarl Kara
2. @Sassmeister as FOmar Spirit
3. A friend of Sassmeister as either RAmar Kitai or FOmar Lucario
4. @KatawaFriendo as RAcaseal Rem

I can take up to 3 people along with me for 7 PDs a person. You keep everything that drops to you, you're simply paying for admission to run these quests with me. It's for all 12 runs for 1 price of 7 Pee Dizzles.

I plan to do these runs on December 31st at 3 PM Eastern / 8 PM UTC, that's approximately 19 hrs from this post. I will organize and lead the the party with my RAmarl, Kara, on Fodra block 2 lobby 11.

If you want to join in, this is on a first come first serve basis upon registering here on this thread. Simply post here if you're in, and what character you want to participate with. I have no qualms with class, play whatever you'd like!

Note to mods: if this is in any way against the ToS, kindly delete this thread and notify me of any infractions I may have unwittingly caused. Thanks!
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It's for all 12 runs =)
Sweetness. I'm all aboard then. See ya soon. *Prays to RNGsus*

A friend of mine is interested in running this as well. Might bring RAmar or FOmar. He really wants to level his FOmar so he might bring him.

RAmar is Kitai / FOmar is Lucario
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Sweetness. I'm all aboard then. See ya soon. *Prays to RNGsus*

A friend of mine is interested in running this as well. Might bring RAmar or FOmar. He really wants to level his FOmar so he might bring him.

RAmar is Kitai / FOmar is Lucario
Sure, I'll mark him down for the roster. Will update OP shortly. Thanks!