S> miscellaneous items / B> hunter life


R is for Robot
selling a few weapons/shields/units to clear inventory space

all items are only 1PD, will also accept Event Eggs at 2/1 PD

please PM or post here to negotiate pricing

Here's the list:

Spirit Laser [20/0/0/45|30] (SALE 0.5 PD)
Seize Laser [0/40/0/0|50] (SALE 0.5 PD)
Hell Arms [50/0/0/0|30] (SALE 0.5 PD)
Blizzard Arms [0/0/0/35|45]

Final Impact [0/0/0/0|15]

Silence Claw [0/0/0/20|20]

Mace of Adaman [0/0/0/0|10]
Storm Wand Indra [20/0/0/0|10]
Mahu [0/0/0/15|25]

Secure Feet
Stink Shield

Cure/Confuse (x2)

Berdysh (30+ HIT) ?
Asteron Belt (50+ HIT)

Centurion/Ability - ?

v501/v502 !! - when I've got the PDs >.>
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I can give you all these for free with 50 hit:
Blizzard/Arrest Gungnir (50+ Hit)
Hell Ripper (50+ Hit)

These are multi hit weapons and have reduced specials making them pretty limited in use.
  • All non-rare weapons and most 9 Star weapons that attacks more than 3 times in a combo or attacks multiple enemies suffers a reduction. Reduction means the special is reduced to 1/2 or 1/3 depending on weapon, see one of the references.
  • Most 10 Star and above rare weapons do not suffer a reduction. There are a few exceptions however.

Also I think you may have misstekked your seize laser, it probably could have been an arrest laser. Meaning it would have had 80% activation rate instead of a 64%. Check out this tekking guide: http://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Tekking
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I can give you all these for free with 50 hit:
Blizzard/Arrest Gungnir (50+ Hit)
Hell Ripper (50+ Hit)

These are multi hit weapons have reduced specials making them pretty limited in use.
  • All non-rare weapons and most 9 Star weapons that attacks more than 3 times in a combo or attacks multiple enemies suffers a reduction. Reduction means the special is reduced to 1/2 or 1/3 depending on weapon, see one of the references.
  • Most 10 Star and above rare weapons do not suffer a reduction. There are a few exceptions however.

Also I think you may have misstekked your seize laser, it probably could have been an arrest laser. Meaning it would have had 80% activation rate instead of a 64%. Check out this tekking guide: http://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Tekking
yes, most likely the case. i'm clearing out old inventory so just listing what's there, probably just banked it because HIT. i'm aware of the decrease on multi-hit weps but still willing to give it a chance at least. trying out some new stuff, and builds. need a v501/v502 to make them work better anyway and I still don't have one at all :P oh well