S>Meseta [sold out]



400,000 Meseta per pd. Flat rate, no haggle pricing. =)

You can also buy 1,000,000 for any of:
15 HP mats
9 TP mats
15 power mats
30 mind mats
3 luck mats
Or whatever combination of those that adds up to the same value. E.g. you could say 5 power mats, 10 mind mats, and 1 luck mat, or 10 power mats an 1 luck mat, or whatever.
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Bump. Also updated first post with new deals.

Were you still buying my materials? You never accepted my Discord friend request (and you're not in a mutual server)
Still haven't found the Discord server that this stuff is on. I'll open up Discord now though.

Edit: Sorry nvm someone else bought all my meseta.
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Still haven't found the Discord server that this stuff is on. I'll open up Discord now though.

Scroll down on the main page.
