S>Lames, V801, Heaven Striker (and more!) for a few PDs


Resident of Colony 9
Heyo! Also taking PCs at a rate of 1.5 PCs for 1 PD.

Lame D'Argent [0/0/0/0] 0 Kills - 3 PDs
Lame d'Argent [0/20/0/0] 0 Kills - 4 PDs
Heaven Striker [0/20/0/0] - 6 PDs
Guardianna [30/0/0/0/35] - ? PDs

V801 - 7 PDs or best offer

Baranz Launcher - 1 PD
S-Red's Blade - 1PD
Dragon Scale x3 - 3 PDs each, 8 PDs for all three

Free for a beginner:
Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/0]

Thanks! =)
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I'd like the S-red's and the 0'd lame if possible. What times are you usually on? I can try to meet up with you then.
@Metaldude and @Ketchupgeek

Now you guys got me in a pinch! x) You posted basically at the same time about the V801. I'd say... first come, first serve now. Sorry in advance to the one who doesn't get the unit in the end!


Yeah, of course that works - 4 PDs in total. I'll be online for while now. My time is MEZ.
Quite a few items have been sold!

I accidentaly listed the Lame with 20 AB when it actually had 20 M. May bad!